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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 06:51



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 14:49

Do you know? Origin of Chdstmas___圣诞由来
The name Christmas is short for“Christ’s Mass”.A Mass is a kind of Church service.Christmas is a religious festivaI.It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus.
There are special Christmas services in Christian churches all over the world.But many of the festivities of Christmas do not have anything to do with religion.Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the Christmas In the world.
The birth of Jesus had a story:In Nazareth,a city of Galilee.The vIrgin’s name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph.Before they came together,she was found with
child of the Holy Spirit.Joseph,her husband was minded to put her away secretly.While he thought about these things,Gabriel,an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a
dream and told hIm did not be afraid to take Mary as wife.And Mary,will bring forth a Son,and he shall call his name,Jesus,for he will save his people from their sins.
Before Jesus births.Joseph and Mary came to Quintus was governing Syria.So all went to be registered,everyone to his own city.Joseph also went up out of
Galilee.out of the city of Nazareth.into Judea,to the city of David.which iS called Bethlehem,because he was of the house and of the lineage of David,to be registered with Mary。his betrothed wife,who was with child.So it was that while they were there.the days were completed for her to be delivered.And she brought forth her firstborn Son.and wrapped him in swaddling cloths.and laid him in a
manger.because there was no room for them jn the jnn.And that.Christmas IS the feast of the nativity of Jesus.is on 25th,December every year.But nobody know the acluaI birthday of Jesus.And the Christmas has become popular when Christmas cards appeared in 1 846 and the concept of a joily Santa Claus was first made popular in nineteenth Century.
后来,虽然大多数教会都接受12月25日为圣诞节,但又固各地教会使用的历书不同,具体日期不能统一,于是就把12月24日到第二年的1月6日定为圣诞节节期(Christmas Tide),各地教会可以根据当地具体情况在这段节期之内庆祝圣诞节。自从12月25日被大多数教会公认为圣诞节后,原来1月6日的主显节就只纪念耶稣受洗了,但天主教会又把1月6日定为“三王来朝节”,以纪念耶稣生时东方三王(即三位博士)来朝拜的故事。随着*教的广泛传播,圣诞节已成为各教派*徒,甚至广大非*徒群众的一个重要节日。在欧美许多国家里,人们非常重视这个节日,把它和新年连在一起,而庆祝活动之热闹与隆

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 14:49

From December 24th to next January 6 is Christmas feast. During the
festival, christians were held the ceremony. Christmas is originally Christian festivals, because people attention, it became a national holiday, the
biggest festival in a year, and the New Year in western .It is like the Spring Festival of China. Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas CARDS on Christmas day celebrate Christmas.
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