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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 05:53



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:27




















作业基准成本法(Activity-Based Costing,简称ABC法)就是一种战略成本管理方法,作业基准成本法由R.Cooper与R.S.Kaplan在20世纪80年代末提出,所谓ABC法,是按照各项作业消耗资源的多少把成本费用分摊到作业,再按照各产品发生的作业多少把成本分摊到产品。利用ABC法可以改进优化作业链,减少作业消耗,提高作业质量,并在整个作业生命周期内进行战略成本管理。










In the business activities of enterprises, the logistics is infiltrated into various business activities of the activities. Logistics cost is to use the amount of the logistics activities of the evaluation of the actual situation. Modern logistics cost refers to the supply of raw materials from the beginning has been to include delivery of goods will reach consumers in the hands of all logistics costs. The logistics cost was not included in the financial accounting system, manufacturers will be used to charge the cost of logistics proct cost and commercial enterprises put the cost of the commodity distribution and logistics costs mixed. Therefore, whether it is manufacturing enterprises or commercial enterprises, in accordance with not only difficult to complete the connotation of logistics costs to calculate logistics costs, and even the proction area or have been separated from the circulation areas of logistics costs, we can not separate true calculated and reflected.

Whether the enterprise logistics or logistics enterprises, the logistics of its own to optimize the allocation of resources, and how to implement the management and decision-making, with a view to using the least possible cost and to maximize the benefits they are facing one of the most important issues. Logistics be seen as a manufacturing enterprise is the last best hope to rece costs and improve efficiency levels.

Total cost of logistics enterprises

The logistics costs can be classified managers to provide more decision-making on the details of the impact, but the logistics enterprises in accordance with the functional activities to the different organizations, such as order processing, and transportation, and accounts of the majority of enterprises to adopt cost , logistics costs can not be shown separately, therefore, the logistics costs of the task is arous.

Business Logistics refers to the cost of procurement, sales, proction and logistics costs related activities combined. Logistics is the total cost of the logistics operation of the enterprise management an important indicator of how not to rece the level of services under the premise of recing the total cost of logistics enterprises is a business objective.

Transport costs: transportation costs refers to the raw materials and finished procts in all transport costs caused by the activities, including direct transport costs and management costs. To rece the total cost of logistics need to strictly control the expenditure in the transport, the transport of strengthening economic accounting.

Inventory holding costs: Generally speaking, the stock can be accounted for manufacturers of more than 20% of assets. Inventory holding costs of some fuzzy concept of distinction, it is difficult to determine, therefore, present many companies only to the current bank interest rate multiplied by the value of inventory with a number of other costs, as inventory holding costs. In fact, inventory holding costs, including the amount of funds used inventory costs, inventory costs, inventory costs and the risk of price adjustment losses.

Warehousing costs: Most warehousing costs do not change with the change in inventory levels, but with the number of storage locations and variable. Warehouse storage costs include rent, storage depreciation, equipment depreciation, cost of loading and unloading of goods packaging materials costs and management fees.

Volume Cost: Volume costs include proction preparation costs, material handling costs, and accelerate plans for operating costs and loss of proctivity because of changing procts, such as lead.

Out losses: out because it is not cost refers to meet customer orders or demand caused by the sale of loss of profits.

Order processing and information costs: Order processing is under orders from customers start to the customer's receipt of the goods so far this process all receipts processing, order processing and related activities of the cost of order processing costs. IT costs and logistics management refers to the operation of the cost of IT. Including software depreciation, maintenance, and management costs.

Procurement costs: that the procurement cost components associated with the procurement of raw materials logistics costs. Including the cost of purchase orders, procurement planning for the management of costs, procurement management, and so on.

Other management costs: Other costs include management and logistics management and operation of relevant personnel management fees.

Single logistics activities will inevitably lead to lower costs of the rest of the cost increase, handled properly, it could even lead to the increase in the total cost. The total cost of logistics for integrated logistics management is the key to use of the total cost analysis can be effective management and real sense of the lower cost.

Logistics is the total cost of operation of the logistics business management major indicators, but the total cost of logistics itself and does not reflect the quality of logistics enterprises. The total cost of logistics through statistical analysis, so that enterprises can understand from the perspective of overall situation of their own logistics operation status quo, clearly present the key bottlenecks, as well as the breakthrough point, to propose solutions approach to improve the business performance of the overall operation.

Logistics Cost Management and Control

Business is an important goal for the smallest investment income for the largest. And the realization of this goal is the best way of managing the cost, logistics cost control is to limit the cost budget, the actual cost will limit with the target cost comparison, the difference between correct and improve the economic benefits of logistics activities.

Generally cost of the logistics can be controlled proctivity standards, standard cost and budget performance test methods such as logistics. Strategic Cost Management is a comprehensive and feasibility of combining the management of technology, so that enterprises in the proct planning and design stage will be to create concern that the cost of procts, strategic cost management is the most crucial factor target cost.

Operating cost base (Activity-Based Costing, or ABC) is a strategic cost management, operating cost method from the baseline and RSKaplan R. Cooper in the 20th century to the late 1980s, the so-called ABC method, in accordance with the Operating How many of the consumption of resources allocated to the cost of operations, in accordance with the proct to the number of operations to the cost-sharing procts. ABC method can be improved by optimizing operating chain, rece operating consumption, improve quality of operations, and throughout the operating life cycle of strategic cost management.

To benchmark the cost method is not only the cost of a more advanced method of calculating operating costs through strategic cost management for enterprise management, logistics for the implementation of process reengineering, performance evaluation to provide cost information, as well as enterprises to further improve cost control and strategic planning decision-making and a more favorable basis and standards.

Based on the analysis of enterprise logistics costs, rece logistics costs of basic channels as follows:

Through efficiency of the distribution companies to rece logistics costs of the distribution of efficiency, rece the number of transport, improving loading rate and reasonable arrangement with plans to choose the best means of transportation, thereby recing distribution costs.

Logistics Outsourcing of logistics enterprises rece costs, lower cost of the investment companies to outsource logistics to specialized third-party logistics companies, can shorten the transit time of goods and rece the cost of goods turnover and losses. Qualified enterprises can use third-party logistics companies直供on line to achieve zero inventory, and rece costs.

With the modernization of information management systems to control and rece logistics cost management in the traditional manual mode, the corporate cost control by many factors, not often can not be realized all aspects of the optimal control. On the one hand, enterprises will adopt various information systems logistics operations or business can accurately handle, expeditious conct of the other through the information system of data collection, forecasting analysis, logistics costs can be controlled the possibility.

Strengthen the management of enterprise workers awareness of the cost of the work to rece costs from the expansion of the logistics management of the various departments and enterprises, and proct development, proction and sale of the entire life cycle, logistics cost management, and enable employees with long-term development "strategy Cost consciousness. "

On the whole process of realization of the commodities, supply chain management to the proction enterprises, third-party logistics enterprises, and sales enterprise, consumer composed of the whole supply chain and systematized, and achieve logistics integration, the entire supply chain maximum benefits, thereby effectively recing the cost of logistics enterprises.

I am afraid I Fucai, only to find a thesis! Very sorry!

有关物流管理的中英文对照文章看看以下20段短文,是我根据物流的培训教材自己总结的:1. The Definition of Logistics 物流的定义After completing a commercial transaction, logistics will execute the transfer o




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英文好的朋友帮忙来看一下吧。 是让写一篇有关物流管理的文章,麻烦帮...

他们在学习,不过,一家公司可以意识到戏剧节约成本运用前集中过程优化逆向物流操作。分析师公司香港仔集团表示逆向物流的像美国成本公司每年大约为 100 亿元的发达经济体的研究。其他研究点这一事实,逆向物流成本所占公司总的物流成本约 4%。这表明逆向物流供应链中的小无论是和需要加以处理。Oakden 和 ...

求物流有关的翻译 中文英文都要的



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