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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 20:59



热心网友 时间:2024-03-24 03:55

The butterfly is holometabolous insects, its life has four distinct developmental stages: ( 1) the egg stage ( embryonic period );

( 2) the larval stage ( growth period );

( 3) the pupal stage ( period );

( 4) the alt stage ( sexual period ).

After three stages of development are collectively referred to as the postembryonic development. The four developmental stages of the body, from the morphological point of view, nothing in common. Therefore, must pass through the system or continuous observation, can understand it is a species of four developmental stages.

The four development stages of go round and begin again, forming a circle of life, also called a generation. Butterfly to complete a life time, short, short several days ( such as Pieris rapae ), better nearly three years ( Rudong North Parnassius ). In the year between the number of generations, often e to Babesia species have different. A year of one generation ( such as the Chinese tiger swallowtail ); there are many generations ( such as Pieris rapae ), its number of generations often with the temperature around the level are different, they are in Heilongjiang for one year only 2 ~ 3 generations in Guangdong, but can be up to 5 ~ 6 generations. As for generations is named, since the beginning of the year, and at the end of the year, are called the first generation, second generation ... ... And so on. In addition, there are seasonal and naming generation, for example : alt emergence in the spring called spring generation alt emergence in the summer, called Summer generations.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-24 03:55


我要问一下掇刀医保局恢复正常上班吗? 医保卡是东宝区的怎么才能转到掇刀区 东宝人社局 医保局 空调扇和风扇有什么区别 ...上了技校,现在上了电大的大专,档案在自己手里怎么办? 高职扩招的档案从哪里来 专科没有毕业档案怎么办 技校没上完考上专科,档案怎么转 凉薯和红薯有什么区别 凉薯和山药一样吗 我是一名教师 评职称发表论文 不知道网上哪些机构好点 具体? 描写蝴蝶花的短文写四行 描写蝴蝶花的作文五十字 蝴蝶花作文怎么写 写一篇关于蝴蝶生长过程的五年级英语作文,40词左右 泰迪剃完毛之后疯掉一样!急急急!!! 我家小狗剃完毛总是发抖怎么回事 泰迪狗狗剃毛后老哆嗦怎么回事? 泰迪剃毛后性格变了 我养了一个泰迪犬,是不是剃完毛以后,毛会更厚更卷? 泰迪剃了毛变得抑郁了,怎么办 中国地利集团有什么农业部指定的荣誉? 怎样投诉人民医院? 如何投诉私立医院 想投诉医院在哪里可以投诉? 一般投诉医院怎么投诉 做菜团子大头菜叶子要炒水吗 荣耀双系统从哪一年有 闲鱼上面买东西 安全嘛 会不会是假的 会不会骗人的 咸鱼上这些都是真的吗,为什么这么便宜。 闲鱼便宜手机是真的吗? 意外的惊喜 蝴蝶花开花了 400字作文 蝴蝶一生要经历四个阶段作文立意 小学四年级蝴蝶梅作文 找一篇作文,是写蝴蝶和蝴蝶花的 you are deservers 这是你该得的(英语翻译) You deserved. 有语法错误么 想象作文我是一只蝴蝶加上成长经历 你值得拥有掌声 英语 所有的痛苦都是活该翻译 you deserve歌词中文翻译 你不值得我付出一切英文翻译 you deserve happiness是什么意思? deserved 是什么意思?急要! 你活该 用英语怎么说? 动词"Deserve"有没有被动用法? 女票和我闹别扭,她发说说u deserve better ,我该怎么回,最好也是英语,谢谢 you deserve to have 有语法错误么 夏天该怎样洗衣服?夏天的衣服手洗好还是机洗好? 夏天洗衣服最好用什么?