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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 03:50



热心网友 时间:2023-09-30 09:43

3.2 implementation of the internationalization of the brand development strategy of international brands such as Nike's global strategy worth considering. In 2003, Nike's sales in overseas markets for the first time more than half of total revenue, which mainly benefit in Brazil, Japan and the United Kingdom's rapidly expanding international market. Also in the field of Nike soccer in the United States does not beat Adidas, which hopes to have a breakthrough in the European market, and to copy their model of success in the United States is the main way the company. Nike brand's international development in two main ways. First, the use of large-scale aerial bombardments means of marketing. If in the past decade or so, the British Premier League's Manchester United received a total of 4 from Nike. Billion dollars in sponsorship. And Nike is in the world have access to this great club's influence in the area of goods and uniform management of the business. This was followed by the signing of a large number of world-renowned football players, such as the effect on the team in Barcelona, Spain, was just 2004 World Player of the Year Ronaldinho and the popular English Premier League star Wayne Rooney is Nike's signing players, which in addition to players In a variety of market competition must wear Nike shoes, but also regularly involved in the proction of the ads.
The two important means to allow the rapid Nike in Europe and other international soccer market has a firm foothold in the market, such as the 1994 World Cup held in the United States, the world's most popular sport in the Nike brand ranked seventh among the , Its global soccer sales of related procts and only 45,000,000 U.S. dollars, in 2004, after the figure has grown to nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars, accounted for the global soccer market, 1 / 4 share, of which Europe's largest contribution to the market, Nike now has been occupied Europe 34% market share and become number one international sporting goods brands.
Li Ning and Anta, and so on the domestic sporting goods enterprises, although China the world's largest groups of young people, but Li Ning and Anta be their first choice has a long way to go. In addition to indivial reasons, the city's new generation of young people live in a world of information developed, they are well aware of the world's top brand, they can easily come into contact with the world's cutting-edge way of life. In this sense, Li Ning and Anta, and other domestic companies to catch up with Nike and Adidas, international imperative. However, the Li Ning

热心网友 时间:2023-09-30 09:44

3.2 Implementation of the internationalization of the brand development strategy of international brands such as Nike's global strategy worth considering. In 2003, Nike's sales in overseas markets for the first time more than half of total revenue, which mainly benefit in Brazil, Japan and the United Kingdom's rapidly expanding international market. Also in the field of Nike soccer in the United States does not beat Adidas, which hopes to have a breakthrough in the European market, and to copy their model of success in the United States is the main way the company. Nike brand's international development in two main ways. First, the use of large-scale aerial bombardments means of marketing. If in the past decade or so, the British Premier League's Manchester United received a total of 4 from Nike. Billion dollars in sponsorship. And Nike is in the world have access to this great club's influence in the area of goods and uniform management of the business. This was followed by the signing of a large number of world-renowned football players, such as the effect on the team in Barcelona, Spain, was just 2004 World Player of the Year Ronaldinho and the popular English Premier League star Wayne Rooney is Nike's signing players, which in addition to players In a variety of market competition must wear Nike shoes, but also regularly involved in the proction of the ads.
The two important means to allow the rapid Nike in Europe and other international soccer market has a firm foothold in the market, such as the 1994 World Cup held in the United States, the world's most popular sport in the Nike brand ranked seventh among the , Its global soccer sales of related procts and only 45,000,000 U.S. dollars, in 2004, after the figure has grown to nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars, accounted for the global soccer market, 1 / 4 share, of which Europe's largest contribution to the market, Nike now has been occupied Europe 34% market share and become number one international sporting goods brands.
Li Ning and Anta, and so on the domestic sporting goods enterprises, although China the world's largest groups of young people, but Li Ning and Anta be their first choice has a long way to go. In addition to indivial reasons, the city's new generation of young people live in a world of information developed, they are well aware of the world's top brand, they can easily come into contact with the world's cutting-edge way of life. In this sense, Li Ning and Anta, and other domestic companies to catch up with Nike and Adidas, international imperative. However, the Li Ning
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