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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 22:08



热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 04:57

设计周期。(PID)控制器的古典proportional-integral-derivative常用在产业由于其sim - plicity、明确的功能,并且易实现性[1]-[5]。合成的新成果,并对PID控制器已经被报道在文献[1]的关系,验证了电话,即富有创新意识的研究在该地区的PID控制器。基于多尺度小波变换- PID控制器已开发及测试中两种不同的运动控制问题[2]。自由gain-tuning模型方法来提高性能的古典PI控制器已被提出并实现了一种永磁同步电动机的驱动系统[3]。该方法是基于周期信息。很明显,需要更多的研究努力实现这两种方法的未来[2]、[3]。此外,据报道在[4],超过96%的控制回路的雇佣常规PID控制器。然而,许多从业者切断或甚至排除导数项设定的导数的增益,以零[5]。收集了五论文对PID控制被刊登在2006年2月出版的杂志IEEE控制系统[6]。论文考察了PID控制,因为它是实践,探索创新,今天最近点对未来。PID控制器的过程和工业自动化的设计是相当详细说明是困难的,在实践中,如果多个和矛盾的目标是要实现[4]。这刺激了一些先进的调谐方法的发展,可以集成在硬件模块,和搜索在上找出下一个关键技术和方法为PID调整[7]。

热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 04:57


热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 04:58

design cycle. Classical proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controllers are commonly used in instry e to their sim- plicity, clear functionality, and ease of implementation [1]–[5]. New results on the synthesis of PID controllers have been reported in [1], i.e., validates the call for innovative studies in the area of PID controllers. A multiresolution PID controller- based wavelet transform has been developed and tested for two different motion control problems [2]. A model free gain-tuning method to enhance the performance of classical PI controller has been proposed and implemented for a permanent magnet synchronized motor drive system [3]. The method is based on the cycle information. Clearly, more research efforts are needed to realize the future of both methods [2], [3]. Furthermore, it has been reported in [4] that more than 96% of control loops employ conventional PID controllers. However, many practitioners switch off or even exclude the derivative term by setting the derivative gain to zero [5]. A collection of five papers on PID control was published in the February 2006 issue of the IEEE Control Systems Magazine [6]. The papers examine PID control as it is practiced today and explore recent innovations that point toward the future. The process for designing PID controllers for instrial automation is quite elaborated and can be difficult in practice, if multiple and conflicting objectives are to be achieved [4]. This stimulates the development of some advanced tuning methods that can be incorporated in hardware moles, and the search is on to find the next key technology or methodology for PID tuning [7].
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