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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 00:51



热心网友 时间:2023-07-18 12:36

Sweet in the Hell

There is a kind of horrible silence...I am talking to myself...when could I stay in my own world and never come out again.

我很害怕,已经不能正常地想东西了,这生活,不是生活.我一直活在地狱里,我的快乐,是地狱里的蜜糖,似是甜,却不真.我本来住在天堂,后来我 的心带我去了地狱,因为它说那里有我失去和渴望的东西,就像K先生说的一样,我是毒隐发作.所以我去了,然后我就被困在那里,回不去了
I am so afraid that I cannot think normally. This kind of life is not a life. I have been living in the Hell. My happiness is the sweet in the hell, which seems sweet but not real. I used to live in the heaven, but then my heart took me to the hell for it said that all I'd lost and longed for were there. Just like Mr. K has said, my addiction to drugs has outbroken, so I went and got trapped there. I cannot go back.

那里的苦让蜜糖更 加的甜,蜜糖是地狱里面的*,没有了的时候,身上只有火烧的感觉.地欲里面的都是恶魔,他们会让你不停地感受心底里最痛的痛,那种痛,我们在天堂住过的 人,受不了.我什么时候才能回家?但我又回得了吗?
The bitterness there makes the sweet even more sweet. The sweet is the drug in the hell, without which I will feel like being burnt. There are only devils living in the hell. They will keep you feeling the most painful hurt in the bottom of your heart. We who used to live in the heaven cannot stand that hurt. When can I go home? Or can I go back again?

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