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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-19 15:48



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 09:46

三首歌都是 Justin Bieber 唱的 不是翻唱,找不到试听跟下载,歌词是找到了。Lady With the Big Brown eyes:Hey lonely lady with the big brown eyes,I'm thinking you're sadder than you realizeI could make you smile and feel a little more related.We really click, would it be so wrong if we just dated?Let goooo...jump on my skateboard, eat some cake, along the lakedo all your favorite stuff right off the cuff cause we're spontaneous.Let's hop a bus to shop, we'll check out Filene's, and get chunky jewelry at Chico's.I'll buy you a panini, and some Spanks to make you teeny...you're the lady with the big brown eyes.
You've got the Motherload:You've got the mother load.You've got the stuff I like.Everytime I'm with you babe,I just get psyched.Like bling in your mouth but it's just old fillings.Dry skin on your hands, and your (?)'s so cracked,like (this part is mumbled in the video),sittin on ur bed with your jacked up back.Hey girl, I want to watch you do you pilates, and skip the hard part.Cuz baby, you've got the mother load.
Baby Lady:Put me in a outfit from the GAP like that. One that matcheswith the jacket and the cap like that.Then slap me in the stroller with the bounce like that.With the bottle full of milk that's 40 ounce like that.I'm your b-baby lady.Tina - I wanna push you in the buggy.I'm your b-baby lady,I wanna hold you like a Snuggie.You're my baby, lady.Tina - And I'm your lady, baby.It's time to roll,Let's go to the park.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 09:46

我喜欢成熟的OH YEAH~!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 09:46

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