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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-19 09:51



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 04:02

Comparing the translation history between europe and china ,and also tranlation theory,we can summerized that the problem western and eastern disscussed are almost the same.Both sides concentrate on the maybe problem and the choosing problem of translation and transliteration.but there are some differences.Westerners prefer translation theory and maybe problem.They summerized that literature translation is hard,science and technology translation is easy.Contantly they run on the problem of translation and transliteration.but that is not the keystone.There are some translation diversity of basic and backgrounds between Europe and China.In europe,except primily hibery language,mutural traslation is the same language basicly.as a result,there comes out three translation methods promoted by westerners:1.translation.2.switch.3.transliteration.These three methods are not suitable to China.China has no switch at all.because there are translation between different languages in the chinese millinal translation histories.but the switch existence of same language ,China prefer the discussion between translation and transliteration.
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