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急~~需英语摘要 高手帮忙翻译下吧

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-20 20:26



热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 23:48

Since 1980s, the world economic situation changed, mainly displays in: the global economy appears recovery, but the development quite disequilibrium, International debt crisis ease, but still different levels of existence; Oil exporters in international petroleum price step fall cases, curtailment of income, the balance of payments deficit, economical trend appears tightening, Between countries protectionism in vogue, international competition intensifies, International finance field unrest restless, international exchange rate fluctuations, interest rates of ups and downs frequent; The development of new technology revolution, and promote international financing in technical innovation. The world economic situation directly push the significant changes in the international financial market development and change, reflected in international financing ways is especially remarkable.

This paper first Outlines what are fundraising, then explains major fund-raising means the advantages, disadvantages and key is bank loans,, finance lease, and stock issued, the analysis enterprise choice when fund-raising means the factors to be considered. Secondly, financing source is also an enterprise to manufacture management activity, the necessary condition. Determine the enterprise financing objective is to their own survival and development. Enterprise's establishment, survival, development is inseparable from the capital, and capital raising and involves many problems, including financing way choice is an important link, this thesis through different capital structure comparison, different capital cost analysis, different fundraising risk compared to discuss enterprise financing way choice. Finally, this paper introces new era of derivative of new finance approach.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 23:48

Since the 80s, the world economics situation has had the immense changes, mainly displays in: The global economy presents the recovery, but develops is not quite balanced; The international debt crisis has the alleviation, but still varying degree existence; The petroleum exporting country in the international petroleum price falls graally in the situation, receives the sharp decline, the international payment balance presents the trade deficit, economic trends contraction; Between various countries protectionism is in vogue, international competition aggravating; International finance domain turbulence not Ningxia, international exchange rate fluctuation, interest rate fluctuation frequent appearance; World new technological revolution development, also promotes the international fund raising unceasing innovation technically. The world economics situation's tremendous change impels the international money market to develop unceasingly and to change directly, reflected that is especially obvious in the international fund raising way aspect. This article first has outlined anything is the fund raising, the factor which then the elaboration main fund raising way's good and bad points, the key point is the bank loan, leveraged lease, the outstanding share, the analysis enterprise chooses when fund raising way should consider. Next, the fund raising is a source, is also the enterprise proction and operating activities essential condition. The definite enterprise fund raising's goal is for own survival and the development. Enterprise's establishment, the survival, the development cannot leave the capital, but the capital collection involves to many questions, finances the way choice is a very important link, this article as to through the different capital structure comparison, the different fund cost analysis, the different fund raising risk contrast elaborates the enterprise fund raising way choice. Finally, introced the new fund raising way which under the new times grows追问就是上面打的文,谢谢 帮帮忙吧


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