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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-20 16:23



热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 02:09

You're my shining star
Hey you're my shining star star star

[00:17.42]You make me feel like a champion
[00:20.47]You took my hand
[00:21.84]Make me feel like I could rule the world
[00:25.81]It couldn't be better than it was
[00:28.83]Baby nobodys ever gonna put it down like us

[01:32.28][00:33.88]This was love I couldn't get enough of you
[01:36.25][00:37.80]It's over when it's over but I still feel you
[01:40.55][00:42.13]All the stars aligned with you were by my side
[01:44.36][00:45.83]But not tonight, no

[02:54.63][02:37.96][01:47.79][00:49.31]There's gotta be something wrong with the universe
[02:59.79][02:43.05][01:52.90][00:54.44]Cause you're not in my world
[03:02.87][02:46.17][01:56.00][00:57.59]There's gotta be something wrong with the universe
[03:08.11][02:51.45][02:01.30][01:02.87]Cause you're not in my world
[03:19.22][03:10.78][02:12.49][02:03.94][01:05.50]I'm looking for my shining star star star
[03:23.12][03:14.82][02:16.46][02:08.01][01:09.52]I'm looking for my shining star star

[01:15.84]In every dream I still hold you close
[01:18.85]I fool myself to think that you never left me at all
[01:24.14]Wish we could get a new start again
[01:27.22]Take me a thousand lightyears
[01:29.28]From this lonely place I'm in

[01:32.28][00:33.88]This was love I couldn't get enough of you
[01:36.25][00:37.80]It's over when it's over but I still feel you
[01:40.55][00:42.13]All the stars aligned with you were by my side
[01:44.36][00:45.83]But not tonight, no

[02:54.63][02:37.96][01:47.79][00:49.31]There's gotta be something wrong with the universe
[02:59.79][02:43.05][01:52.90][00:54.44]Cause you're not in my world
[03:02.87][02:46.17][01:56.00][00:57.59]There's gotta be something wrong with the universe
[03:08.11][02:51.45][02:01.30][01:02.87]Cause you're not in my world
[03:19.22][03:10.78][02:12.49][02:03.94][01:05.50]I'm looking for my shining star star star
[03:23.12][03:14.82][02:16.46][02:08.01][01:09.52]I'm looking for my shining star star

[02:32.02][02:28.01][02:23.79]This is love yah ohh
[02:35.80]There's gotta be something wrong..

[02:54.63][02:37.96][01:47.79][00:49.31]There's gotta be something wrong with the universe
[02:59.79][02:43.05][01:52.90][00:54.44]Cause you're not in my world
[03:02.87][02:46.17][01:56.00][00:57.59]There's gotta be something wrong with the universe
[03:08.11][02:51.45][02:01.30][01:02.87]Cause you're not in my world
[03:19.22][03:10.78][02:12.49][02:03.94][01:05.50]I'm looking for my shining star star star
[03:23.12][03:14.82][02:16.46][02:08.01][01:09.52]I'm looking for my shining star star

[03:32.75]My shining star star
[03:35.95]Yahh you're my shining star
[03:41.19]My shining star star
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