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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-20 13:54



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 23:44

In the tradition of India
is because men are superior to women, married his daughter, parents must prepare
a rich dowry, which for the poor people, it is a huge burden.
The Indians
if gave birth to a daughter, will be left with nothing whatsoever to clap your
hands, on behalf of.But if the child is a son, it is greatly different, the
family will immediately Gong celebrate, parents will find someone that we
Chinese say divination, birthday horoscopes, and this is also the children will
find marriage partners for important decisions
The Indians
in the ghat funeral ceremony, will have a special person of the dead will be
carried to the crematorium.
Generally the funeral ceremony is very
simple, but relatively wealthy family, may ask musician in front of playing,
cremation began, the eldest son must be shaved, only in the back of the head
with a handful of, after the cremation, the ashes of the deceased will be swept
into the river, represents the soul has left the body, free.
Indian wedding is the representative of social status, parents'
back to looking for the same background class man-made objects.
wedding ceremony rather cumbersome, before marriage, both parents will through
to play matchmaker priest to talk about the dowry matters, the woman must
promise and the dowry amount, both sides had selected a lucky day, begin
preparing for the wedding, before the wedding the bride to the traditional way
of make-up, especially here a start, the bride's hand with dye besmear full
pattern, look red, personal feel very terrible.
On the wedding day, the
groom rode a white horse go forward with great strength and vigour to the
bride's home.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 23:44

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