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favorite girl的歌词及翻译(回答得好会给分)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-20 18:07



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 16:29

I always knew you were the best我早就知道你是最棒的
the coolest girl I know我认识的最酷的女孩
so prettier than all the rest比其他所有女孩儿漂亮
the star of my show我的明星
so many times I wished无数次地希望
you'd be the one for me你会是我的唯一
but never knew you'd get like从没想到你会是这样
this girl what you do to me女孩,你怎么对我
you're who I'm thinkin of你是我想念的人
girl you ain't my runner up女孩你不是第二
and no matter what you're always number one不管怎样你永远是第一
my prize posession我的珍藏
one and only唯一
adore ya girl i want ya我崇拜的女孩 我想你
the one I cant live without 没有她我无法活下去
that's you that's you她就是你,就是你
you're my special little lady你是我特别的小女孩
the one that makes me crazy在所有认识的女孩中
of all the girls I've ever known 让我疯狂的那一个
it's you, it's you是你,是你
my favorite, my favorite我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的
my favorite, my favorite girl我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩
my favorite girl我最喜欢的女孩
you're used to goin out'your way你总是要那样做
to impress these mr.讨好那些男孩子
but you can be yourself with me只要跟我在一起 你会做回你自己
I'll take you as you are我要原原本本的你
I know they said believe in love我知道他们说 相信爱
it's a dream that cant be real但那是一个不真实的梦
so girl let's write a fairytale女孩让我们一描绘童话
and show 'um how we feel说出我们的感觉
you're who I'm thinkin of你是我想念的人
girl you ain't my runner up女孩你不是第二
and no matter what you're always number one不管怎样你永远是第一
my prize posession我的珍藏
one and only唯一
adore ya girl i want ya我崇拜的女孩 我想你
the one I cant live without 没有她我无法活下去
that's you that's you她就是你,就是你
you're my special little lady你是我特别的小女孩
the one that makes me crazy在所有认识的女孩中
of all the girls I've ever known 让我疯狂的那一个
it's you, it's you是你,是你
my favorite, my favorite我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的
my favorite, my favorite girl我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩
my favorite girl我最喜欢的女孩
baby it's you宝贝 那是你
my favorite, my favorite我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的
my favorite, my favorite girl我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩
my favorite girl我最喜欢的女孩
you take my breath away你说的每句话
with everything you say让我无法呼吸
i just wanna be with you我只想跟你在一起
my baby my baby oh宝贝 哦 我的宝贝
my miss dont play no games我想念的女孩儿 不要敷衍我
treat you no other way我没有别的办法对你
than you deserve只有这样
cuz you're the girl of my dreams cuz因为你是我梦想中的女孩
my prize possession我的珍藏
one and only唯一
adore ya girl i want ya我崇拜的女孩 我想你
the one I cant live without 没有她我无法活下去
that's you that's you她就是你,就是你
you're my special little lady你是我特别的小女孩
the one that makes me crazy在所有认识的女孩中
of all the girls I've ever known 让我疯狂的那一个
it's you, it's you是你,是你
my prize posession我的珍藏
one and only唯一
adore ya girl i want ya我崇拜的女孩 我想你
the one I cant live without 没有她我无法活下去
that's you that's you她就是你,就是你
you're my special little lady你是我特别的小女孩
the one that makes me crazy在所有认识的女孩中
of all the girls I've ever known 让我疯狂的那一个
it's you, it's you是你,是你
my favorite, my favorite我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的
my favorite, my favorite girl我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩
my favorite girl我最喜欢的女孩
my favorite, my favorite我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的
my favorite, my favorite girl我最喜欢的,我最喜欢的女孩
my favorite girl我最喜欢的女孩
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