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好心人翻译下 急!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 23:16



热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 00:11

With the development of informatization, its function in the management of medium and small-sized enterprise has been getting more and more distinct. The article expatiates the concept of informatization and clarifies its important status in China's economy by giving the factual examples. After investigating and anylizing the actuality of informatization in medium and small-sized enterprises, the article makes out various requirements of imformatizing medium and small-sized enterprise. The article specially analyzes the difficulties and risks that medium and small-sized enterprises are facing, and makes advices and countermeasures. At last, in allusion to the existing risks and difficulties, the article indicates the developing escape and trend for informatizing medium and small-sized enterprises.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 00:11

Today, the environment has become a global issue, the protection of the environment is an urgent responsibility for every person, a man who impressed me in this matter. One of my classmates in life on the special attention to the protection of the environment, the hands of each litter will throw everywhere. have to wait until the encounter will go into bins at ease that it is difficult, But the problem is that many students do not bother to do such a trivial matter, it has stated that efforts to protect the environment. He will also gather other people throw garbage on the ground, these small details of life to me a deep impression I have been trying to learn from him and I hope that he and all the protection of the environment, the world will become a better place. Jimmy
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