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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 08:15



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 16:50

How do the Americans elect their president?
Every four years, Americans will have a presidential election. As the most powerful country in the world, the election of president is a hot issue all over the world. There are many people focus on it. Actually, the system of electing a president is very complex. There are four major steps to elect president.
First, Nomination of Candidates
June of the Election year, in each state, two parties---the democracy and the republican will choose different electors as their representatives. How Do the Political Parties Choose Their Candidates? That's up to the political parties. Most political parties hold conventions, which are large meetings attended by "delegates." Some delegates are selected by state "primary" elections, some are selected by state caucuses (very much like primaries, except with public voting instead of secret ballots), and some are chosen for their prominence in the party. A majority of delegate votes is needed to win the party's nomination. In most cases, the delegates let their chosen presidential candidate select a vice-presidential candidate.
After all the states have elected their candidates, the Congress will vote for the Candidates of two parties. The one who get the most votes will be the candidate of his party. In the general election, each candidate for President runs together. They must be at least 35 years of age, they must be native-born citizens of the United States, and they must have been residents of the U.S. for at least 14 years. (Also, a person cannot be elected to a third term as President.)
Second, the Campaign Period
The candidates of the parties will hold a campaign throughout the country. This is the most important period of election of president, usually from September to November. The forms of campaign include, give speeches in different states, and meet with votes and public debt with his rival candidate. The purpose of campaign is to gain support of people as much as possible. This is the most wonderful part.
Third, Election for President Voters
The national presidential election actually consists of a separate election in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia; in these 51 elections, the voters are really voting for "electors" pledged to one of the tickets. These electors make up the "Electoral College." Each state has the same number of electors as it has senators and representatives (there are two senators from each state, but the number of representatives depends on the state population in the most recent census). The District of Columbia, although it isn't a state, also participates in presidential elections -- it currently has three electors. Generally speaking, the voters will vote for the candidate who represents his party.
Finally, Voters Vote the President
The Electoral College then votes for President and for Vice-President, with each elector casting one vote; these votes are called electoral votes. Each elector is pledged to vote for particular candidates for President and Vice-President. In most elections, all the electors vote in accordance with the pledge they made; it is not clear what would happen in the unlikely event that a large number of electors violated their pledge and voted differently.
Normally, one of the candidates for President receives a majority (more than half) of the electoral votes; that person is elected President. That candidate's vice-presidential running mate will then also receive a majority of electoral votes (for Vice-President), and that person is elected Vice-President. The result will be announced in the sixth day of January, the next year of election year.
Through the above complex process, the new president will be elected. Although there are many arguments pro and con the Electoral College, but this system does guarantee that the person elected President has substantial support distributed throughout the U.S. The Electoral College has also been a major factor in the United States' long-term political stability.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 16:50

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