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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 12:43



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 03:54

This paper on the popular single-chip switching power supply chips for the multi-output DC voltage regulator and switching power supply design that started proction. The choice of switching power supply a total of three major integrated circuits - MC68HC908QT2CD, UC3906, UC3842. UC3842 use of the PWM ty cycle technology control switch to adjust the output voltage, so as to achieve the objective of stability in output, UC3906 to use a floating battery charging and control through MC68HC908QT2CD by the main power switch and battery and circuit protection. The switching power supply system has multiple functions and DC output by the main function, and can automatically switch on the automatic protection system, alarm.
The completion of the main design elements include:
Based on auto ⑴ UC3906 to the battery charging circuit part of the design;
⑵ design and to MC68HC908QT2CD as the core of the SCM control and protection circuit;
Automatic ⑶ the main electrical switch by the police and the software design.
In this paper, the main power switch on the power switch circuit by the battery charging circuit and software design were made and meticulous research work, through repeated appraisals and a calculated design of the system of valuable experience, master of the multi-output DC switching regulator Power Design's core technology, and conct a more detailed exposition.

Key words: MC68HC908QY2CDW; UC3906; lead-acid batteries
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