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求翻译 网络监控方面

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 08:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:00


热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:01

Wider application of computer networks has permeated every level of convenience to the community at the same time also brought about the security and management problems. Internet is a double-edged sword; as an enterprise in terms of some employees use work time to read news, play games, do private live, chat, leaked company information, stock, the next movie, listening to music, browsing pornographic sites, even in the Company bosses get online while looking for a job while wages and so on. Not only consumption of corporate resources, but also because of the impact of corporate efficiency, leaking company secrets, and even lost customers were saddened by the other resources. And LAN network monitoring software to use this very effective means of managing and supporting internal management and enterprise integration to achieve a more effective mechanism for the effect, has become a consensus among us.
Many units are willing to network and computer equipment for input, but not willing to applications, especially in security software is not appropriate, if the establishment of the excellent performance of the network and the purchase of modern office equipment, but it has become a waste of company human and financial resources to go to work or even connivance of staff time to do things outside the unit has become the problem; it reces the work efficiency and even lead to greater losses; network monitoring is necessary, therefore;
At present, many of the network management unit, please also built a web site; but the device is a tube well, can bring the convenience of equipment has reced the efficiency (using the network to do something else), and networks to customers because lack of management and employees may become a direct competitor's customers; therefore only the purchase of equipment is not enough, only the construction site is not enough, only the management of equipment is still not enough, employees also need to use the content network and the network monitoring and with behavior management; foreign trade enterprises in particular, high technology enterprises (such as software, engineering), key government departments, etc. on staff supervision and management of the significance of the Internet is particularly important. The overall objective of the network monitoring system is able to effectively prevent the employees in various ways through the network of secrets and realize the network of computers and network resources management and effective monitoring. Unauthorized outward in order to document a variety of ways, must not use the network so that should not be done and be able to record the content of network exchanges (such as foreign trade enterprises of the order process), the various ports on the computers and equipment for the implementation of the overall management and control of use of machines, the Internet, send and receive e-mail, online chat and computer games strict management and control:
(1) and trace the unit to prevent important information, such as the leakage of confidential documents;
(2) supervision, and review restrictions on use of norms of the network;
(3) limit the consumption of resources, chat, games, outsourcing information, download and share such a vicious act;
(4) to back up important documents network resources (such as business e-mail); to monitor the contents of MSN chats; surveillance, such as QQ chat chats behavior.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:01

Wider application of computer networks has permeated every level of convenience to the community at the same time also brought about the security and management problems. Internet is a double-edged sword; as an enterprise in terms of some employees use work time to read news, play games, do private live, chat, leaked company information, stock, the next movie, listening to music, browsing pornographic sites, even in the Company bosses get online while looking for a job while wages and so on. Not only consumption of corporate resources, but also because of the impact of corporate efficiency, leaking company secrets, and even lost customers were saddened by the other resources. And LAN network monitoring software to use this very effective means of managing and supporting internal management and enterprise integration to achieve a more effective mechanism for the effect, has become a consensus among us.
Many units are willing to network and computer equipment for input, but not willing to applications, especially in security software is not appropriate, if the establishment of the excellent performance of the network and the purchase of modern office equipment, but it has become a waste of company human and financial resources to go to work or even connivance of staff time to do things outside the unit has become the problem; it reces the work efficiency and even lead to greater losses; network monitoring is necessary, therefore;
At present, many of the network management unit, please also built a web site; but the device is a tube well, can bring the convenience of equipment has reced the efficiency (using the network to do something else), and networks to customers because lack of management and employees may become a direct competitor's customers; therefore only the purchase of equipment is not enough, only the construction site is not enough, only the management of equipment is still not enough, employees also need to use the content network and the network monitoring and with behavior management; foreign trade enterprises in particular, high technology enterprises (such as software, engineering), key government departments, etc. on staff supervision and management of the significance of the Internet is particularly important. The overall objective of the network monitoring system is able to effectively prevent the employees in various ways through the network of secrets and realize the network of computers and network resources management and effective monitoring. Unauthorized outward in order to document a variety of ways, must not use the network so that should not be done and be able to record the content of network exchanges (such as foreign trade enterprises of the order process), the various ports on the computers and equipment for the implementation of the overall management and control of use of machines, the Internet, send and receive e-mail, online chat and computer games strict management and control:
(1) and trace the unit to prevent important information, such as the leakage of confidential documents;
(2) supervision, and review restrictions on use of norms of the network;
(3) limit the consumption of resources, chat, games, outsourcing information, download and share such a vicious act;
(4) to back up important documents network resources (such as business e-mail); to monitor the contents of MSN chats; surveillance, such as QQ chat chats behavior.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:02

Wider application of computer networks has permeated every level of convenience to the community at the same time also brought about the security and management problems. Internet is a double-edged sword; as an enterprise in terms of some employees use work time to read news, play games, do private live, chat, leaked company information, stock, the next movie, listening to music, browsing pornographic sites, even in the Company bosses get online while looking for a job while wages and so on. Not only consumption of corporate resources, but also because of the impact of corporate efficiency, leaking company secrets, and even lost customers were saddened by the other resources. And LAN network monitoring software to use this very effective means of managing and supporting internal management and enterprise integration to achieve a more effective mechanism for the effect, has become a consensus among us.
Many units are willing to network and computer equipment for input, but not willing to applications, especially in security software is not appropriate, if the establishment of the excellent performance of the network and the purchase of modern office equipment, but it has become a waste of company human and financial resources to go to work or even connivance of staff time to do things outside the unit has become the problem; it reces the work efficiency and even lead to greater losses; network monitoring is necessary, therefore;
At present, many of the network management unit, please also built a web site; but the device is a tube well, can bring the convenience of equipment has reced the efficiency (using the network to do something else), and networks to customers because lack of management and employees may become a direct competitor's customers; therefore only the purchase of equipment is not enough, only the construction site is not enough, only the management of equipment is still not enough, employees also need to use the content network and the network monitoring and with behavior management; foreign trade enterprises in particular, high technology enterprises (such as software, engineering), key government departments, etc. on staff supervision and management of the significance of the Internet is particularly important. The overall objective of the network monitoring system is able to effectively prevent the employees in various ways through the network of secrets and realize the network of computers and network resources management and effective monitoring. Unauthorized outward in order to document a variety of ways, must not use the network so that should not be done and be able to record the content of network exchanges (such as foreign trade enterprises of the order process), the various ports on the computers and equipment for the implementation of the overall management and control of use of machines, the Internet, send and receive e-mail, online chat and computer games strict management and control:
(1) and trace the unit to prevent important information, such as the leakage of confidential documents;
(2) supervision, and review restrictions on use of norms of the network;
(3) limit the consumption of resources, chat, games, outsourcing information, download and share such a vicious act;
(4) to back up important documents network resources (such as business e-mail); to monitor the contents of MSN chats; surveillance, such as QQ chat chats behavior.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 22:02



使命召唤9打不开,每次都出现这个情况,怎么弄啊 使命召唤9无法进入关卡 百度知道百度知道的作用 梦见在水里走什么预兆 梦见光脚走路是什么兆头 西装如何穿搭才有高级感? 西装怎样搭配才能穿出又飒又优雅的气势? 西装如何搭配才能穿出优雅成熟的气质? 我考了两次科目三路考,很不辛没能通过,我想放弃了,纠结?学车很辛苦... 我考过不了科目三 急求 视频监控的英文翻译10000字 qq音乐怎么投稿歌手写真? 从银行贷款,用途是房屋装璜,而没有用于装璜,而是替别人还欠款,违法吗? 基于单片机的太阳能电池发电量监控系统,用英文怎么翻译 怎么把全民k歌的作品投稿到QQ音乐里 我在农商银行用全款房申请抵押贷款,业务员为什还要我跟装修公司的合同,? 翻译英文:车辆远程视频监控系统 QQ音乐歌单投稿不通过说缺少新意和感染力怎么办? 监控系统不知道怎么弄成英文了 怎样换回英文的谢谢 基于现场总线的监控系统 翻译成中文 QQ音乐投稿和站内重合度高怎么弄? “车载安防监控系统”的英文应该怎麼说? 英语翻译 谁知道停车场监控系统 怎么翻译成英文啊 怎么向qq音乐投稿自己制作的音乐? "机房监控系统"怎么翻译? 点钞机出现e81是什么故障 天津市双盈物业管理有限公司北辰分公司怎么样? 天津宇晟物业管理有限公司怎么样? 天津彬宇热力有限公司怎么样? 天津市双盈物业管理有限公司怎么样? 一分之零是真分数吗 翻译这句话:“用户角度体验式实时监控系统”,不要直译,要意译! 我在农商银行申请抵押贷款,为什要让我跟装修公司的合同? 一分之零属于什么分数 英语中的CCTV footage 中的CCTV指中央监控系统? 真分数概念++一分之零是不是真分数? 1分之0是分数吗?1分之0等于什么? 请大家帮帮忙 初一数学:分数不是正分数就是副分数,对吗 1分之0是不是分数 那如果是 岂不是第一个就不成立了 耳朵好像被堵住了听不到听不清 银行贷款的用途是装修房子话可以用把贷款合同提取住房公积金嘛? 可不可以写一分之零? 中国纬度和经度是多少? 耳朵里,好像是耳屎堵住了,听不清,怎么办 入党积极分子如何在“立足岗位做奉献”中积极争取入党? 求一篇以"我把青春献给祖国"的作文,要求原创,不能抄袭网上的. 橘子吃多了会不会上火 钢笔头怎么擦干净 钢笔笔尖的缝可以用卫生纸擦吗? 三次元是什么 钢笔吸完墨水以后笔尖残留的墨水要擦掉吗?用什么擦? 另问:吸墨水时笔尖的哪里浸没即可?