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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-17 17:29



热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 14:14

As a classcadre,good organization and coordinationand managementability
As directorofInstitute of managementstyle,presided over thepowertraining conference,havethe ability to plan activitiesand team spirit
Asthree socialpractice report of thegroup leader,led thefive team membersto complete the report,has the good communication ability
Participate in schoolandcollegevolunteer team

热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 14:14

1take charge of the class ,possess excellent capabilities of coordination and managementability over varying organizations
2work as a member of Culture and Physics Department in Management School,have plentiful experience of presiding over dynamic trainee meeting,boast outstanding competences of activities-designing and team-work spirits。
3has successfully assumed group leader of social practice presentation three times,lead five group members to finish the presentation perfectly, be fairly communicative。
4 take actively participate in volunteer groups both in campus and college level

热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 14:15

Served as the class cadre, has certain organization and coordination and management ability as management at scie, hosted dynamic training conference, event planning ability and team spirit as a social practice report three times the team leader, lead the five team members finish the report, has the good communication ability to participate in school and college teams of volunteers
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