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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-19 00:19



热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 07:25




阿纳斯塔西娅的歌声和形象的差距令人难以置信,靓丽的偶像外型和深沉浑厚的“爵士乐”嗓音给人的视听觉冲击强烈。“风暴”曲调简洁、节奏强劲,流行的曲风给人异域感觉,和“生命之杯” 相比它少了些火般热情,多了份紧迫感强劲的冲击。

阿纳斯塔西娅原名Anastacia Newkirk,1973年9月17日出生于美国芝加哥,父亲是酒店歌手,母亲是纽约百老汇的演员。她14岁时父母离异,随母亲来到纽约,并进入艺术学校。阿纳斯塔西娅1999年参加MTV的新秀选拔赛后加入乐坛。签约Sony之后于2000年发行了个人首张专辑《并非它类》(Not That Kind)获得巨大成功,销量逾200万。2002年发行第二张专辑《自然的怪诞》(Freak of Nature),当前的单曲“Paid My Dues”在全球热播不断。阿纳斯塔西娅的演唱和舞蹈风格以随性自由为特点,金发白肤的抢眼外形之下蕴藏的却是一把“拥有纯粹的黑人灵魂的声线”。去年11月1日,国际足联最终确定阿纳斯塔西娅来演唱2002年韩日世界杯主题歌“风暴”。


热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 07:26


(The Recognized Anthem Of World Contact Day)
In your mind you have capacities, you know
To telepath messages through the vast unknown
Please close your eyes and concentrate
With every thought you think
Upon the recitation we're about to sing
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Most extraordinary craft
You've been observing our Earth
And we'd like to make a contact with you
We are your friends
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Yes, we've been observing your Earth
And one night we'll make a contact with you
We are your friends
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Quite extraordinary craft
And please come in peace we beseech you
Only a landing will teach them
So do come, we beg you
Please interstellar policeman
Won't you give us a sign
Give us a sign that we've reached you
With your mind you have ability to form
And transmit thought energy
Far beyond the norm
You close your eyes, you concentrate
Together, that's the way
To send the message
We declare World Contact Day
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Most extraordinary craft
We are your friends
(The Recognized Anthem Of World Contact Day)
In your mind you have capacities, you know
To telepath messages through the vast unknown
Please close your eyes and concentrate
With every thought you think
Upon the recitation we're about to sing
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Most extraordinary craft
You've been observing our Earth
And we'd like to make a contact with you
We are your friends
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Yes, we've been observing your Earth
And one night we'll make a contact with you
We are your friends
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Quite extraordinary craft
And please come in peace we beseech you
Only a landing will teach them
So do come, we beg you
Please interstellar policeman
Won't you give us a sign
Give us a sign that we've reached you
With your mind you have ability to form
And transmit thought energy
Far beyond the norm
You close your eyes, you concentrate
Together, that's the way
To send the message
We declare World Contact Day
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Most extraordinary craft
We are your friends

热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 07:25




阿纳斯塔西娅的歌声和形象的差距令人难以置信,靓丽的偶像外型和深沉浑厚的“爵士乐”嗓音给人的视听觉冲击强烈。“风暴”曲调简洁、节奏强劲,流行的曲风给人异域感觉,和“生命之杯” 相比它少了些火般热情,多了份紧迫感强劲的冲击。

阿纳斯塔西娅原名Anastacia Newkirk,1973年9月17日出生于美国芝加哥,父亲是酒店歌手,母亲是纽约百老汇的演员。她14岁时父母离异,随母亲来到纽约,并进入艺术学校。阿纳斯塔西娅1999年参加MTV的新秀选拔赛后加入乐坛。签约Sony之后于2000年发行了个人首张专辑《并非它类》(Not That Kind)获得巨大成功,销量逾200万。2002年发行第二张专辑《自然的怪诞》(Freak of Nature),当前的单曲“Paid My Dues”在全球热播不断。阿纳斯塔西娅的演唱和舞蹈风格以随性自由为特点,金发白肤的抢眼外形之下蕴藏的却是一把“拥有纯粹的黑人灵魂的声线”。去年11月1日,国际足联最终确定阿纳斯塔西娅来演唱2002年韩日世界杯主题歌“风暴”。


热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 07:26

live for love united

热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 07:26


(The Recognized Anthem Of World Contact Day)
In your mind you have capacities, you know
To telepath messages through the vast unknown
Please close your eyes and concentrate
With every thought you think
Upon the recitation we're about to sing
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Most extraordinary craft
You've been observing our Earth
And we'd like to make a contact with you
We are your friends
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Yes, we've been observing your Earth
And one night we'll make a contact with you
We are your friends
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Quite extraordinary craft
And please come in peace we beseech you
Only a landing will teach them
So do come, we beg you
Please interstellar policeman
Won't you give us a sign
Give us a sign that we've reached you
With your mind you have ability to form
And transmit thought energy
Far beyond the norm
You close your eyes, you concentrate
Together, that's the way
To send the message
We declare World Contact Day
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Most extraordinary craft
We are your friends
(The Recognized Anthem Of World Contact Day)
In your mind you have capacities, you know
To telepath messages through the vast unknown
Please close your eyes and concentrate
With every thought you think
Upon the recitation we're about to sing
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Most extraordinary craft
You've been observing our Earth
And we'd like to make a contact with you
We are your friends
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Yes, we've been observing your Earth
And one night we'll make a contact with you
We are your friends
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Quite extraordinary craft
And please come in peace we beseech you
Only a landing will teach them
So do come, we beg you
Please interstellar policeman
Won't you give us a sign
Give us a sign that we've reached you
With your mind you have ability to form
And transmit thought energy
Far beyond the norm
You close your eyes, you concentrate
Together, that's the way
To send the message
We declare World Contact Day
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary
Most extraordinary craft
We are your friends

热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 07:26

live for love united

热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 07:27

live for love united之足球圣歌

热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 07:27

live for love united之足球圣歌

热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 07:28

鬼知道 最失败的世界杯 最可耻的韩国猪

热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 07:28

鬼知道 最失败的世界杯 最可耻的韩国猪
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