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急求北京香山英文导游词一份 谢谢!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 22:46



热心网友 时间:2022-07-06 11:29

Xiangshan Park in Beijing Xishan Mountain West northwest small exhibit, 20 km from the town, covering 160 hectares, is a well-known characteristics of a large garden Royal Forest Park. Founded in the Xiangshan Park Dading 26 years (1186), 800 years ago. History. Opened in 1956 for the People's Park, after nearly half a century of building, which has become well-known Chinese and foreign Beijing one of the 10 parks.
Xiangshan Park rich precious heritage, stars like pavilions spread between the mountains. Here Yanjing Eight Sights "one of the Xishan Qing"; Here are set architectural style of the Ming and Qing dynasties monastery, "Temple"; Here are the only domestic wood with gold "500 Rohan Hall"; Here are greeted VI of the Panchen palaces "in the large-zhao of the Temple"; There is quite unique Jiangnan Guya courtyard of "Vegetarian Heart"; here Mao Zedong and men of the century - the earliest living stationed in Beijing and the local office, double - villa; Here are men of the century, Sun Yat-sen's coffin to temporarily house - Temple straitjacket throne tower.
Xiangshan Park Jun-lying Horie, rise amid encountered, Mr. CHUNG-mao. Hardest main peak (commonly known as devilishly hard to achieve) altitude of 557 meters. Park my wife and nature are in harmony, singing insects, squirrels romp in the forest gully. Here spring carpet of flowers forms a cool, pleasant summer and winter to cosmetics silver-wrapped. Especially the late autumn season, 100,000 Cotinus coggygria full swing, powerful, has been rated as "King Beijing 16 new" one.
Xiangshan Park tourism facilities complete. You can either large-tour cable hanging chairs (length 1,400 meters, drop 431 meters), Mayfair Xishan, Beijing castles back. Eat, pine restaurant with a beautiful environment, insects potherb, springs cooking, unique flavor. Live, Xiangshan Villa fully functional, sightseeing, negotiations, the ideal place for leisure vacation. Live here, leisurely walk can be arrived at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, botanical gardens, Beijing Botanical Garden, Pass.
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