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一首英文DJ~女唱的,大该歌词是"wo wo go home to night i'm ready to baby"这样的,小弟谢谢大家了.

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-18 21:36



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 21:21

你说的是不是it's ok 我觉得挺像!

Well, I remember all the nights I used to stay at home (home)
On the phone (phone), all night long
Used to talk about all the things we really wanna do
I believed in you
I remember how you used to say
Have no fear (no fear), you'll be OK (OK)
When you told me anything you want is possible
We could have it all
I believed in you
Must have been a fool
All my dreams were with you
I say it's OK
I can promise you it's all right
You ain't keeping me up all night
No more
You're not here, but it's OK
I assure you babe, it's all right
You ain't keeping me up all night
No more
You're not here, but it's OK

Well now you got to where you wanted
Like I knew you would
Cash, car, house, it's all good
It's the why you never come around here no more
Like you did before
Got it all, that's the way it seems
Looks like you live your dream
And I hope your life has turned out for the better now
When I'm not around
I believed in you
Must have been a fool
All my dreams were with you
I say it's OK
I can promise you it's all right
You ain't keeping me up all night
No more
You're not here, but it's OK
I assure you babe, it's all right
You ain't keeping me up all night
No more
You're not here, but it's OK

It's all right and a it's OK and a
It's all right and a it's OK and a
It's all right and a it's OK and a
You're not here with me
It's all right and a it's OK and a
It's all right and a it's OK and a
It's all right and a it's OK and a
You're not here with me
I say it's OK
I can promise you it's all right
You ain't keeping me up all night
No more
You're not here, but it's OK
I assure you babe, it's all right
You ain't keeping me up all night
No more
You're not here, but it's OK
It's all right and a it's OK and a
It's all right and a it's OK and a
It's all right and a it's OK and a
You're not here with me

You're not here, but it's OK


热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 21:21

gotta go home

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 21:22


热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 21:22

是不是trouble is a friend,

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 21:23

trouble is a friend
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