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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-22 07:03



热心网友 时间:2024-03-28 13:33

The papers of the two helical gears reducer for multi-objective parameters, structural optimization and design. This paper on multi-objective optimization fuzzy conducted a preliminary design of a simple, and introduced a complex, multi-objective function of the optimization method, method of determining the membership function. According to achieve the greatest degree reducer smallest of the purpose of access to relevant information identified design variables, constraints, and the establishment of two helical gears reducer structural parameters of multi-objective fuzzy optimal design a mathematical model. In this paper, the integrated use of the design theory of fuzzy fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, selected through access to information collection and judgement factors set, and then using VB languages of the parameter optimization process, which optimize the process parameters used in the optimum design method of complex method, this Mathematical model parameters optimized, the results output.
The results showed that: Based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the multi-objective fuzzy optimal design is a more practical value of the integrated design, multi-objective design of the strong uncertainty, the results will certainly be the difference. Complex method in the optimization process of simply calculating function of the need for other processing functions, the objective function of the solution or bound function more complex engineering problems, is a direct optimization of the effective ways. Designers need to carefully consider all the factors can affect the results.
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