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为什么买奢侈品 英文作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 16:27



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 02:24

第一篇:Why buy luxury goods?

The first reason from many other is the rivalry. Frankly, this quality is characteristic in a greater or lesser degree for all people. Although the business literature often considers the rivalry as a characteristic trait of the men, the beautiful half of humanity, also possess this quality. Otherwise, from where does appear this desire to be better than all your friends and women around? From this emerges the sincere mania to purchase expensive and not very practical things. After all, luxury items are able to emphasize the fact that its owner is positioned on a higher level of the human society’s hierarchy.

Next on the list is included another reason: the status. The status "is able to manage" people. It is not necessary to search an example. Increasing our prosperity, we also improve our quality of life. We can’t feel happy living in a comfortable, but little apartment on the fifth floor of the panel building. We strive to move, if not into an elite mansions, then in more spacious house. We carefully select a decent school with a good reputation; we buy things in the shops where people of our status go shopping; we aspire to spend our time in that companies, which is consisted from people of our social status. And, of course, we buy the goods that meet our opportunities and the aforementioned positions.

It's clear that, coming to a business meeting wearing a cheap sweater and a pair of jeans, you will certain astonish the people around, so it is desirable for a person to behave according the social situation. By the way, it is much easier to communicate in these circumstances. From all facts mentioned above we can affirm that wealthy people pay attention to luxury items and buy them because of their status.

The third reason is based on psychology. We are talking about the quality. Perhaps the modern luxuries do not differ from the cheaper models, but its quality is positioned by the consumer on a higher level. El Rice once said that is more important the perceived quality rather than the actual quality (within reasonable limits, of course). So there are no problems regarding the "perceived" quality when talking about the luxury objects.

第二篇:Why we buy luxury goods?

Nowadays,the huge demand for luxury goods is astonishing. In front of the Louis Vuitton shop on the Champs Elysees Avenue in Paris, tourists are spending hours of valuable tourist time queuing for the expensive bags. Entering the shop,valuable bags were bought without asking about the prices.

Luxury goods refer to those top branded consumer procts which are beyond the living needs of ordinary people. In the past, luxury lovers and collectors tend to be the old and rich people. The luxury goods mostly are procts with cultural connotations and owning the luxury goods means to have a culture. However, now, there mainly are two other luxury consumer groups: the rich flaunting fortune and manifesting identity and the young people gaining a sense of satisfaction.

The consumer perception of the people to the luxury goods needs to be guided and showing off the wealth to prove their self-esteem shows a lack of intrinsic value. If the people of a state become materialistic and especially worship the luxury goods, it will mislead and distort people's value of the society, increase the psychological imbalance of low-income groups and affect the social harmony and stability.

And the last factor that shall be mentioned: of course, is the satisfaction of buying something for divertissement. All people have the tendency to inlge themselves with an expensive toy. The boys from childhood wish to have and play with expensive machines. For some of them, the dreams can become reality: personal aircraft, helicopters and boats, which are bought exclusively not for working purposes.

第三篇:Why people love buying luxury procts?

At the first, most people want to show off. Purchasing luxury brand goods is one of means to be distinguished since many people cannot afford to get those goods.

Some terms show describe phenomenon:

Veblen effect, it explains why people buy an expensive proct. Veblen effect describes the psychology of the consumer that people buy clothing or car worth of million dollars to flaunt their fortune.

Snop effect: Demanding of particular proct decrease, when consumption of the proct increases. Consumers have a good feeling about procts that most consumers cannot purchase; the procts are high-class and brand-name.

Band wagon effect points out consumers prefer to follow a trend. This word is originated from a band that attracts the people in front in parade.

The second thing is people, do not want to fall behind another people and have an excessive competitive spirit. Commonly, this phenomenon is called ‘Covetousness breaks the sack.’ If a middle school student wears high-priced shoes, a half of students in the class will wear the same shoes.

The third thing is that people reveal themselves with substantial things like their looks or car. Sometimes, we had an experience that people judge person as appearance.
A few years ago, Hyundai Grandeur advertisement was a hot issue e to its content. In advertisement, a man said ‘How have you been?’ and then his friend answered ‘Grandeur." This is a typical example of people who want to reveal themselves with looks.

Lastly, consumers believe that ‘high-priced proct guarantees high quality’ and ‘low price indicates low quality.'
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