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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 17:32



热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 01:09

1.When we reached the peak,we were fascinated by the wonderful natural scenery.(be fascinated)
2.His father is not satisfied with the current work.(be satisfied)
3.People filled with knowledge are always good at asking some questions.(be good at)
4.If you understand some circumstances in advance,you will be calmer and make the situation in control better.(in control)
5.We should apply knowledge that we have learned to our work.(apply)

热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 01:09

When we arrived at the Peak, we were wonderful natural scenery by the capture. (Be fascinated)
his father is not satisfied with the current work. (Be satisfied)
is good at learning of the question. (Be good at)
if you know in advance some cases, you will be more calm and more control over the situation. (In control)
, we should have learned something useful boost to the work. (Apply)

热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 01:10

187 we were fascinated by the wonderful natural scene
while we were arrive at the top of the mountain.
188his father is not satisfied with his job nowadays.
190talented person are always good at asking quenstions.
191if you know some problems early ,you will become more carm and the problem will be in control easily.
192we should apply what we had learn to the job.

1.They are talking each other in the yard.2.A Trucks full with goods run to me when I through the street.3.Feeling tired and hungry,he went to home.4.After so many years of hard work,my dream come true finally,I'm very pround.5.He got up,then put on his clothes an...


1 to her age, she looks very young,2 weather gradually and, let's go home,3 He seems like a hurry,41,995 older brother, I became a People's Liberation Army soldiers,5, when he see me, in my illness,6 full day of work, feeling tired and hungry Tom,7 why he felt s...



急,急,急!请翻译句子,主要解析: end up

1.[口语]结束,结尾,告终;停止:The chairman finally ended up his speech.主席终于结束了演说。2.终于(成为…),最后(做某事):He ended up as general manager of the company.他最后成了这家公司的总经理。3.竖起,直立4.(尤指经过一段时间、一些经历后)(偶然地)到达,来到(某处):They ...


1.天色已晚,如果你现在再到不了这里的话,我们就不得不动身了。(go without;have got to)It's late. We have got to go without you if you could not arrive now.2.约翰迷上了运动,整天呆在外面。(be crazy about;outdoors)John is crazy about sports and stays outdoors all the ...


1.pay for 2.hardly 3.was not aware of 4.did not know what


1.when referring the difference between American english and Briticism,he said:"The US and Britain are two different countries after all."2.The driver should take responsibility for the accident.His car run down a tree and a person riding a bike.3.I hope that you are not only...






1, the low-temperature pump (cold pump) of cable replacement. . . Cable Gaizenmeyue 2, the vacuum leak detection vehicles.

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