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以My Travelling 为题,写一篇作文 要求时态为现在进行时

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-21 17:28



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 22:22

楼主好哈Thailand is the most special place that I have ever visited. Although I only
stayed for five days, I could feel the special atmosphere in the

I went to Thailand with my brother in 1998. Since we have never
gone there, we only went there with the travel agency.

The travel agency
arranged for us to go shopping in the huge shopping stores on the first day. The
goods were attractive and I brought some clothes and shoes. Later, we stayed in
a grand hotel for a rest. Then we visited a temple. We took several photographs
in there.

Later, we had dinner in a restaurant. The food was not
delicious. We were very disappointed.

The following days, we needed to
wake up at 8:30 am so that we could have more time to go to other places.
Firstly, we had breakfast buffet at the hotel. Then, we went to the markets. The
markets sold anything such as clothes, shoes, books and souvenir and so on. We
brought something because of the cheap prices. Later, we went to a big park in
which provides many electronic games. I queued up for the roller coasters. It
took me up to the middle of the sky and suddenly dropped me down. What an
exciting game! At night, we went to watch a show. That show was so wonderful
that we could not help clapping our hands. Later, we had dinner and went back to
the hotel.

The next day, we went to the beach that we enjoyed very much.
We played water activities. They were so excited that we might never forget the
moment. We also had lunch at the nearby restaurant. We stayed at the beach in
the whole afternoon. Then we had dinner.

The last day, we went to a
jewelry shop. My brother and I were very boring, but we were not allowed to go
to another places, so we only waited for about two hours. Then our courier gave
us a few coupons so that we could select a variety of foods at a food plaza.
After having lunch, we needed to pack in the hotel. Soon we went to the airport
and came back to Hong Kong.

I believe that this vacation in Thailand is
the most enjoyable one, and I hope I can visit there once more, especially the
wonderful city Bangkok.亲,采纳哦
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