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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 21:39



热心网友 时间:2023-09-01 08:10

After-sales Instruction
To respected users:
With your support and trust, in order to protect your interest and provide you with better and higher-quality service, we guarantee as followings:

一、安装前准备工作 Preparative works before installation
1. 我方所提供的设备质量优良,崭新未经使用,已通过出厂质量检验,包装良好,适合长途运输。
The proct we provided is of high-quality, and in accordance with the quality standard set by the manufacturer. With fine packing, the equipment will keep all right in long distance transportation.
2. 发货前20天 我方以书面形式将设备安装的准备条件通知最终用户,在得到用户书面发货要求后,我方将准时发货。
We will notify the end-users about the preparation work of the equipment’s installation before 20 days the consignment in writing form, upon the receipt of the consignment notification; we will deliver the goods in time.

二、质保期内所提供服务 The service provided within the warranty period.
1.我们保证为货物提供为期 1 年的保修,保修时间从验收签字起计算。在质保期内我方将严格遵守中华人民共和国的相关法律和法规对货物提供“三包”等售后服务,除非合同另行规定。
We will provide 1 year of warranty period beginning from the signing of the certificate of acceptance, We will faithfully abide by the relevant laws, statutes and regulations promulgated by the People’s Republic of China and provide “Three Guarantees” and other after-sales services concerning the Goods, unless stipulated otherwise in the Contract
We will respond within continuous 48 hours concerning the malfunction of the equipments (non-artificial factors), upon receipt of the notice, we will provide on-site service within 3 working days. After the repair, we will submit a report in plicate concerning of the cause, remediation measure, schele etc.
We have (or entrust) permanent facilities in China to provide repair and maintenance services stationed with professional technical personnel with three years of similar experience. The spare parts are sufficient to meet the needs of the users for five years. If entrust permanent facilities in China to do such work, we will provide the relevant legally effective certificates.
4 在保修期结束时,须由专业工程师对设备进行另一次测试,任何缺陷(非人为因素)由我方负责修理。
The engineers will take another test,we will be in charge of the repair upon any malfunction(non-artificial factor

1.服务范围: 我方将负责帮助需方维修设备在此期间出现的故障;提供设备所需的备品备件以满足长期使用;
Scope of service: maintenance. supply of the spare parts. for a long term
2服务期限 质保期后三年内
Service period: 3 years beyond the warranty period
3服务内容 设备维护维修,继续培训,备件供应
Content of service: maintenance, repair, continuous training,supply of the spare parts.
4服务费用 视情况而定。
Service charge: subject to conditions.
5不承担内容 人为因素造成的损坏
Exemption of ty: artificial factor
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