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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 03:11



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 07:24

  1、小学暑假英语作文:Playing Badminton
  Today, as I have nothing to do, my father decides to take me to the gym. There are people playing all kinds of sports. I see my father play badminton and he teaches me how to play. It is so easy for me to learn, after a while, I can play with my father. I fall in love with this sport, I will play it on the weekend.
  2、小学暑假英语作文:Lovely Panda
  The first time I see panda, I think it is the loveliest animal in the world. It has two black eyes and a round body. In the zoo, they eat bamboo and sleep most of the time. But the panda keepers tell us that panda is dying out. I feel so sad, and I want to do something for them. So it is important to protect the environment.
  3、小学暑假英语作文:What Is a Good Friend
  I remember the first day when I move to the new home, there is girl who lives next to my house. She is very nice and willing to help me solve my problems. Thanks to her, I get used to the new environment soon. I have made many friends, but in my heart, this girl is my best friend. I hope our friendship can last forever.
  4、小学暑假英语作文:The Princess World
  When I was very small, my father told me that I was a princess. I was really happy about it and felt proud of myself. My father taught me that way the princess walked and talked. I remembered it and acted very politely. As I grow up, I am so thankful to my father, because he created a wonderful world for me.
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