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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 01:07



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 00:35

On the map of China, Guangzhou is in the south. It is really a big city. There are so many towns in it. Just in Panyu, there are seventeen towns.
I live in Panyu and I love it very much. There are many places we can enjoy ourselves. Bao Moyuan is one of the interesting places in Panyu. There are a lot of gold fish in the artificial lake. Some people sell fish food everywhere. You can spend five yuan buying one bag and feed the fish. That’s fun.There are also many big trees, colorful flowers. The nests of birds are on the big trees, they all enjoy themselves very much. Of course, I can have fun every time when I go there.
Another beautiful place I want to mention is Lotus mountain . That is a good place for praying.. The most important part of it is the tall statue of Guangying. Many people visit there and pray good luck for their families, their marriage, their career. You can also enjoy trees, flowers, waters, stones there. From the top of the mountain, you can also watch the pearl river. That’s really good.
My hometown is a beautiful and rich place. I like it very much. Warmly welcome to visit here.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 00:36

Guangzhou enjoys subtropical monsoon weather. As it faces the sea but backs on the mountain, Guangzhou's climate has a characteristic of warm weather and plenty of rainfall, sufficient sunlight and heat. Here summer is long, and frost season is short. From October to December the weather is mild and the best season for tourists. The average temperature in November is 25 ° C or 76 F.

Seasons in subtropical China vary widely, with extremely hot summers. The ideal time for a visit to Guangzhou is ring the fall. From mid-September through late-November, temperatures range from about 50 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The same comfortable temperatures occur in the spring, from April through June, but rain and humidity are more likely. Keep in mind that accommodations will probably be less crowded and more affordable ring spring and fall, since summer is considered the high tourist season. If you must come ring the summer (which is usually hot with potential typhoons) make your reservations as early as possible, even several months ahead of time. And you can pretty much forget about visiting ring the Chinese New Year (late-February through early-March). This is when most of the locals do their own traveling and it is next to impossible to secure reservations.

Seasons in subtropical China vary widely, with extremely hot summers. The ideal time for a visit to Guangzhou is ring the fall. From mid-September through late-November, temperatures range from about 50 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The same comfortable temperatures occur in the spring, from April through June, but rain and humidity are more likely.

even several months ahead of time. And you can pretty much forget about visiting during the Chinese New Year (late-February through early-March). This is when most of the locals do their own traveling and it is next to impossible to secure reservations.Seasons in subtropical China...


Guangzhou is in the south and one of the largest cities of China. The third longest river, Zhujiang River, runs through the city. The Weather in Guangzhou is different from that of many cities in the north. It is warm in winter and quite hot in summer with lot of rains in...


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I am living in guangzhou that's a big and noisy city.I'd like to go to the park because too many beautiful flowers and trees there.Every day when I go to school I could see many people in the street so you will feel crowded.After school I need to do my homework if I...


Today I visit GuangZhou City.It is a wonderful day!GuangZhou is a very beautiful city.The street is very clean and the people here are very friendly.There are lots of delicious food in the shop.These food I have never eat before.There are many kinds of cloths in the ...

写一篇英语作文介绍广州 介绍广州的历史,文明,美食,风味等等60至80字...

Guangzhou is the capital and the sub-provincial city of Guangdong Province in the southern part of the People's Republic of China. The city is also known by an older English-language name, Canton. It is a port on the Pearl River, navigable to the South China Sea, and is ...


I like Guangzhou best. Guangzhou has a large population. It is crowed and noisy. (There are about 7,200,000 people in Guangzhou.) It is not cold in winter and hot in summer. There are many flowers in Guangzhou. We can eat delicious dimsum in Guangzhou. There is a big ...


On the map of China, Guangzhou is in the south. It is really a big city. There are so many towns in it. Just in Panyu, there are seventeen towns.I live in Panyu and I love it very much. There are many places we can enjoy ourselves. Bao Moyuan is one of the ...


Guangzhou is a beautiful city.And it is the biggest city inSouth China. It is one of the most important cities in Guangdong.Guangzhou has a long history of about 2100 years.The population of Guangzhou is more than 7000000.The Pearl River is the longest river in Guangdong.And ...

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