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I'M Just A Country Boy 歌词1

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-01 09:26



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 23:18

歌曲名:I'M Just A Country Boy
歌手:Sam Cooke
专辑:Keep Movin' On

I ain't gonna marry in the fall
I ain't gonna marry in the spring
because I'm in love with a pretty little girl
Who wears a diamond ring
becausee I'm just a country boy
Money have I none
But I've got silver in the stars
And gold in the morning sun
And gold in the morning sun
Never gonna kiss the ruby red lips
Of the prettiest girl in town
Never gonna ask her if she'd marry me
I know she'd turn me down
becausee I'm just a country boy
Money have I none
But I've got silver in the stars
And gold in the morning sun
And gold in the morning sun
Never could afford a store bought ring
With a sparkling diamond stone
All I could afford is a lovin' heart
The only one I own
becausee I'm just a country boy
Money have I none
But I've got silver in the stars
And gold in the morning sun
And gold in the morning sun


热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 23:18

歌名:I'm Just A Country Boy
歌手:Don Williams
所属专辑:The Definitive Collection
发行公司:Mca Nashville

I ain't gonna marry in the fall,
Ain't gonna marry in the spring.
'Cos I'm in love with a pretty little girl,
Who wears a diamond ring.

And I'm just a country boy,
Money have I none.
But I've got silver in the stars,
And gold in the morning sun.
And gold in the morning sun.

I'm never gonna kiss the ruby red lips,
Of the prettiest girl in town.
I'm never gonna ask her if she'd marry me,
For I know she'd turn me down.

'Cos I'm just a country boy,
Money have I none.
But I've got silver in the stars,
And gold in the morning sun.
And gold in the morning sun.

I never could afford a store bought ring,
With a sparkling diamond stone.
All I could afford is a loving heart,
The only one I own.

'Cos I'm just a country boy,
Money have I none.
But I've got silver in the stars,
And gold in the morning sun.
Gold in the morning sun.
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