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美式足球介绍 英文26

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-01 18:44



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 15:48

American Football is a tough contact sport that dominates the American sporting scene and is gaining popularity in Europe. It is a game requiring all-round physical fitness. Players have to be fast, strong, and proficient in the six basic skills of football: passing, catching, running, blocking, tackling, and kicking. American football has always been associated with a large number of injuries, not surprising when the game commonly involves players in excess of 240 pounds colliding with each other at full speed. In the United States, it is estimated that more than 300 000 high school players, 35 000 college players, and half of the National Football League players are injured to some extent each season. Head and neck injuries are common: there are approximately 250 000 incidents of concussion each year. Some injuries have been fatal or have resulted in players becoming permanent quadriplegics. However, the number of very severe injuries has declined in recent years. This is probably e to rule changes concerning tackling and blocking with the head, and improvements in protective equipment which were introced in 1976. There has also been a greater emphasis in training on strengthening the muscles of the neck and learning good tackling techniques. This is particularly important in the younger age group.

Protective clothing is an essential feature of modern football, but this makes the players vulnerable to heat stroke. One study reported 12 heat stroke deaths among college and high school football players over a three year period. The victims were all interior linemen, probably the players required to work hardest and longest; most were stricken ring pre-season practice so they may have been in poor physical condition; all were dressed in full uniforms which increases workload and interferes with heat loss; and most were not permitted to drink water ring practice. Clearly, it is essential that players and officials should be aware of the risk of heat stroke, and ensure that drinking water is available ring practice and games.
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