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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-23 16:59



热心网友 时间:2024-05-04 18:25

1. 英语八年级上册第三单元作文

Exercise is important for us

Exercising is very important.

If you don't exercise, you won't be healthy or stu韭同虹辉喔禾呼痛槐腊dy well.

Today I interviewed some students.

However, I found that most of the students spent time to exercise less and less

so they were fat and didn't feel well.

People always be lazy to exercise, what a bad habit!

My friend Xiaoming does exercise every day and he is very healthy and strong.

"Old habits die hard", so starting to exercise before it's too late!

2. 八年级上册英语第三单元作文怎么写

Last Chinese New Year. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to cheng by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“tingting, don't do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。

i was very happy。

3. 8年级上册英语第三单元作文怎么写

I'm a singer.And I have a long vacation this summer.I decided on going to Singapore because I heard that Singapore is beautiful.I'm planning to running,going sightseeing and going bike riding.At night,I'm taking walk and renting videos.Then I will go to bed.I can't wait。

4. 八年级上册英语第三单元作文,关于写,我的假期计划的英语作文

My Holiday Plans 我的假期计划

My holidays are ing soon.I have some plans for the holidays and now I will talk about that with you. I will do some cleaning and do some washing with my mother at home. In my free time ,I plan to go to see the movies or play football with my friends.

Sometimes I will go to my grandparents' home and to visit them with my parents.And I will do my homework every evening.What about your plans?




5. 英语八年级上册第三单元作文

Exercise is important for usExercising is very important. If you don't exercise, you won't be healthy or study well. Today I interviewed some students. However, I found that most of the students spent time to exercise less and less so they were fat and didn't feel well. People always be lazy to exercise, what a bad habit! My friend Xiaoming does exercise every day and he is very healthy and strong. "Old habits die hard", so starting to exercise before it's too late!。

6. 英语八年级上册第三单元作文

Exercise is important for us

Exercising is very important.

If you don't exercise, you won't be healthy or study well.

Today I interviewed some students.

However, I found that most of the students spent time to exercise less and less

so they were fat and didn't feel well.

People always be lazy to exercise, what a bad habit!

My friend Xiaoming does exercise every day and he is very healthy and strong.

"Old habits die hard", so starting to exercise before it's too late!

7. 芵文作文:八年级下册英语的第三单元的sectionB的4a的答案

参*一:Anna was riding her bike to the park at 11:00 last Sunday morning.When she got to the park,she saw some kids swimming in the water,she also want to do that.While she was taking off her clothes,a strange man took her bike away.Anna couldn't find her bike anywhere.While she was crying,she called the police.参*二:One day a girl rode her bike to a park at 11 am.She put her bike behind a bush and went away,but she didn't know a man was hiding in the bush.At 11:15 the man got out of the bush and stole the girl's bike then he ran away.After 5 minutes,the girl was looking for her bike,she was very worried,then she called the police.。

8. 八年级上册第三单元的英语作文咋写啊,人教版

参*一: While He Yan was at the doctor's. I was going to the class. While He Yan was having English class, I was having a test. While she was having lunch with her mother, I was playing in the park. While she visiting her aunt in hospital, I was studying in the classroom. While she was going shopping, I was going home.参*二: While He Yan was at the doctor's,I was going to the class. While He Yan was having English class,I was going shopping.While He Yan was having lunch with her mother.I was having a lunch with my friends.While He Yan was visiting aunt in hospital.I was reading books at home.While He Yan was going shopping.I was watching TV with my parents. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)。


2. 八年级上册英语第三单元作文怎么写 Last Chinese New Year. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to chengdu by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come half...


This is my hobbies.If you have hobbies,you can exchange with me.


参考答案一:While He Yan was at the doctor's. I was going to the class. While He Yan was having English class, I was having a test. While she was having lunch with her mother, I was playing in the park. While she visiting her aunt in hospital, I was studying in the ...

人教版八年级英语上册第三单元sectionB 3a的作文

My name is Li DongZe, I come from Liao Ning province.我叫李东泽,来自辽宁省。Everyday, I get up at six o'clock in the morning and go to school at half past six.每天早上六点起床,六点半上学。After a whole day study, I leave school at four o'clock in the afternoon.经...

新教材英语八年级上册Unit3 3a作文

The former like reading, the latter likes sports.(前者喜欢读书,后者喜欢运动。)Wang Lingling is as populor as Liu Lili because they are outgoing .一样受欢迎,因为她们都很开朗很健谈。Of course, they also very different. Wang Lingling is serious, Liu Lili is funny.当然啦,她们又...


八年级上册英语作文第三单元 I’m a singer.And I have a long vacation this summer.I decided on going to Singapore because I heard that Singapore is beautiful.I’m planning to running,going sightseeing and going bike riding.At night,I’m taking walk and renting...


I plan to spend 2 hours every morning doing my assignment and try my best to finish it as soon as possible. During noon, I should have a snap for about 1 hour and it will compensate for insufficient sleep at night. I will play with my friends or go swimming in the aftern...


I am planning to travel in dalian.I am staying there for a week.I am planning to swim in the sea,and enjoy the delicious sea food and the dalian food.Iam making friends there, too.Dalian is a very beautiful city,and the weather there are also pretty good.Iam taking a...


This holiday my sister and I went to Shanghai. My sister had just graduated and she wanted to find a job in Shanghai. My uncle lived in Shanghai, so we lived with him after we got there. On the first day we went to a lot of interesting places, including Waitan and ...


I’m a singer.And I have a long vacation this summer.I decided on going to Singapore because I heard that Singapore is beautiful.I’m planning to running,going sightseeing and going bike riding.At night,I’m taking walk and renting videos.Then I will go to bed.I can’t ...

八年级上册英语单词人教版 八年级英语上册课本 八年级上册 八年级上册数学 八年级数学上册知识点 八年级下册语文书人教版 新人教版语文五年级上册 七年级上册语文书 八年级上册政治
现代职场中年轻人为什么敢和老板正面刚? 张叔叔买了4千克苹果,又买了52元梨,刚好一共用去100元,每千克苹果多少... 含“赂”的成语(7个) ...4元,梨每kgy元,李阿姨共花了16元,先写出等量关系, 领秀时尚舞蹈培训机构领秀教学体系 货赂公行什么意思货赂公行怎么读 ...苹果每千克3.2元,梨每千克x元。两个等量关系和两个方程 为什么一些东西都和12有关? ...想在2010年12月登记结婚,请问本月都有哪些黄道吉日? 广东派沃商用空气源热水器怎么样 交通标志牌是怎样制作的12 大男子主意指那些事情?? 为什么睡觉时和洗澡时,我的那里挺着,并会出来白色的粘液,那是什么? 秋葵种植是什么季节 梦幻西游藏宝阁参与抽签是什么意思? 口袋妖怪水晶电脑里的OM全没了 怎么办 麒麟9000s和骁龙8gen2哪个强大? 什么是剪口碟 为什么现在有些男的结婚之后,要把全部工资上交给老婆,然后就求着要老婆... 万向传动装置的作用是什么具体安装在哪个位置上? 老公睡觉JJ老挺起来是怎么回事? 买了一个联想笔记本电脑,家里没网线,附近也没wifi,不过电脑上有一个... 限速交通标志牌一般安装在哪里? 口袋妖怪火红行李满了怎么办 口袋妖怪绿宝石存档不够怎么办 医学模拟模型对教学有没有帮助? 牛奶护发的正确方法? 为什么我玩口袋妖怪任何版本的时候电脑都不行? 石榴红红像什么 主意一词怎样扩展? 油菜被水淹了会死吗 急: 请问油菜拌种可以用尿素吗 如果可以 最多用多少 每亩? 十年前与十年后愿时间对折往事清零岁月静好是什么意思? 王者荣耀无限活力怎么玩 王者荣耀无限活力详细介绍 草甘膦加水后三天不用还可以用吗?会失效吗 贴玻璃的磨砂纸可以贴铝板上吗? 汽车喷漆水磨2000砂纸是磨什么的 还有旧漆面是用多少的磨?4 汽车打磨用砂纸81 王者荣耀后羿将被重做 le是什么意思,有什么来源吗? 汽车玻璃轻微划痕可以用细沙纸打磨吗6 我想问一下用勇士的5000号砂纸磨原来被2000号砂纸磨出来... 路灯有哪些象征意义? 表示声音的二字词语 骁龙8gen2和麒麟9000哪个好? 汽车砂纸如何使用? 万向传动装置原理? 7汽车万向传动装置有那些,什么功能?它由那些部件组成? 陈奕迅 十年 表达什么意思?258 核酸码在手机哪里查1