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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-24 10:49



热心网友 时间:2024-01-19 05:45

Dear judges:
Good morning, everyone! I am ..., my English name is Jerry, I'm 9 years old, and I come from Class E Grade Four, Shengli Huanghe Bilingual School. I'm a boy with lots of hobbies, I like drawing, playing Chinese chess and English when I was young. I'm also an environmental lover and protector. Once at the school gate, I found a milk carton with little milk lying on the floor, then I picked it up and throw it into the garbage bin. I think to love and protect our environment is what we have to do, since then we will have a clear and clean earth, and everyone can live a happy and healthy life.
That is me, would you like to be my friends?

热心网友 时间:2024-01-19 05:46

Dear judges:
Good morning everybody. My name is. . . , English name is JERRY, my 9 years old, I from have won this year the Yellow River Bilingual School fourth grade E class, I am an interest widespread young boy, I like painting pictures since childhood, the Chinese chess and English. I am the loving care environment elementary student, one time in the school entrance, I saw has not drunk up the milk box to one to throw in ground, I therefore hurriedly pick throw in the trash can. I thought that the loving care environment is each people should do, only then we can have a beautiful clean Earth like this, everybody can healthily joyfully live. this is me, you are willing to be the friend with me?

热心网友 时间:2024-01-19 05:46

Appraisal committee teacher:
Good morning everybody. My name is. . . , English name is JERRY, my 9 years old, I from have won this year the Yellow River Bilingual School fourth grade E class, I am an interest widespread young boy, I like painting pictures since childhood, the Chinese chess and English. I am the loving care environment elementary student, one time in the school entrance, I saw has not drunk up the milk box to one to throw in ground, I therefore hurriedly pick throw in the trash can. I thought that the loving care environment is each people should do, only then we can have a beautiful clean Earth like this, everybody can healthily joyfully live. this is me, you are willing to be the friend with me?
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