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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 21:42



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 15:44

在英语中,有时某些实意动词可兼作系动词,在句中具有既表行为又表状态的双重作用。这种有双重作用的谓语称之为双重谓语(Double Predicate)。双重谓语有其自身的特点,与系表谓语有所区别。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 15:44

在英语中,有时某些实意动词可兼作系动词,在句中具有既表行为又表状态的双重作用。这种有双重作用的谓语称之为双重谓语(Double Predicate)。双重谓语有其自身的特点,与系表谓语有所区别。
双重谓语的基本形式是:行为动词+表语(说明主语从事该行为时所处的状态),用作双重谓语的动词多为那些表示位置移动变化的行为动词。如:return,leave, go,come,arrive,start等。其具体的结构形式主要有以下几种:
1.动词+形容词   (1)He left this morning very gay.(=He was very gay when he left this morning.)上午离开时,他很开心。   (2)She lay there motionless.(=She was motionless when she lay there.)她躺在那儿一动不动。   2.动词+名词   (1)She left a shy girl and returned a young mother.(=She was a shy girl when she left and a young mother when she returned.)她离开时还是一个害羞的女孩,回来时却是一位年轻的母亲。   (2)He lived a hero and died a martyr.(=He was a hero when he lived and a martyr when he died.)他生前是英雄,死后为烈士。   3.动词+介词短语   (1)He died in despair.(=He was in despair when he died.)他死时非常绝望。   (2)He left in tears.(=He was in tears when he left.)他离开时眼含泪水。   (3)He ran into the room out of breath.(=He was out of breath when he ran into the room.)他冲进房间时已是上气不接下气。   4.动词+分词(短语)   (1)They lay there chatting.(=They were chatting when they lay there.)他们躺在那里聊天。   (2)He wandered wondering.(=He was wondering when he wandered.)漫步时,他在冥思。   (3)He came home exhausted.(=He was exhausted when he came home.)他回家时已是筋疲力尽。   5.动词+what从句   (1)He returned home what he had always been.(= He was what he had always been when he returned home.)回家时,他还是老样子。   双重谓语结构很少有否定形式,但偶尔也出现否定形式。这时,要特别注意否定的形式在前,意义在后,即否定后移现象。如:   (1)She didn't arrive accompanied by her daughter.(=She was not accompanied by her daughter when she arrived.)她抵达时不是由她的女儿陪同。   (2)He didn't pass noticed.(=When he passed he was not noticed.)他路过时没人注意。


热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 15:44

在英语中,有时某些实意动词可兼作系动词,在句中具有既表行为又表状态的双重作用。这种有双重作用的谓语称之为双重谓语(Double Predicate)。双重谓语有其自身的特点,与系表谓语有所区别。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 15:44

在英语中,有时某些实意动词可兼作系动词,在句中具有既表行为又表状态的双重作用。这种有双重作用的谓语称之为双重谓语(Double Predicate)。双重谓语有其自身的特点,与系表谓语有所区别。
双重谓语的基本形式是:行为动词+表语(说明主语从事该行为时所处的状态),用作双重谓语的动词多为那些表示位置移动变化的行为动词。如:return,leave, go,come,arrive,start等。其具体的结构形式主要有以下几种:
1.动词+形容词   (1)He left this morning very gay.(=He was very gay when he left this morning.)上午离开时,他很开心。   (2)She lay there motionless.(=She was motionless when she lay there.)她躺在那儿一动不动。   2.动词+名词   (1)She left a shy girl and returned a young mother.(=She was a shy girl when she left and a young mother when she returned.)她离开时还是一个害羞的女孩,回来时却是一位年轻的母亲。   (2)He lived a hero and died a martyr.(=He was a hero when he lived and a martyr when he died.)他生前是英雄,死后为烈士。   3.动词+介词短语   (1)He died in despair.(=He was in despair when he died.)他死时非常绝望。   (2)He left in tears.(=He was in tears when he left.)他离开时眼含泪水。   (3)He ran into the room out of breath.(=He was out of breath when he ran into the room.)他冲进房间时已是上气不接下气。   4.动词+分词(短语)   (1)They lay there chatting.(=They were chatting when they lay there.)他们躺在那里聊天。   (2)He wandered wondering.(=He was wondering when he wandered.)漫步时,他在冥思。   (3)He came home exhausted.(=He was exhausted when he came home.)他回家时已是筋疲力尽。   5.动词+what从句   (1)He returned home what he had always been.(= He was what he had always been when he returned home.)回家时,他还是老样子。   双重谓语结构很少有否定形式,但偶尔也出现否定形式。这时,要特别注意否定的形式在前,意义在后,即否定后移现象。如:   (1)She didn't arrive accompanied by her daughter.(=She was not accompanied by her daughter when she arrived.)她抵达时不是由她的女儿陪同。   (2)He didn't pass noticed.(=When he passed he was not noticed.)他路过时没人注意。


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