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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 00:41



热心网友 时间:2023-11-14 08:29

Scent of a Woman
"Scent of a Woman" , a very attractive film title, it is easy for people to think some other thing. However, this film from beginning to end is really a one between two men.
The two men are not brother, nor father and son. One is a blind veteran, one is a famous school student, when saw it first, it is difficult to see the same of the two people. If Thanksgiving Day high school Chris can go home, but for he don't need money, but for the veteran refuse to take a holiday with his family, but for officer's family were worried about him,there would not be such a story happening.
      Living in the rich kids gathered school, family leaves thousands of miles from school,just live with scholarship , his mother remarried, and poor relationship with his stepfather, Charlie's live is not easy. But his witnessed a number of students prepared to tease the principal, the principal let him speak the mastermind, or they will be punished. He is in such a trouble when work in lieutenant colonel's home. Lieutenant Colonel had experienced many wars, and his eyes was blind in an accident.He stay at home and doing nothing but drinking, he lost the courage and confidence to live.
      Two different situations,both of them trapped by life, after a weekend 's contact, both found survival value in each other . After a two-day journey,the minds of the two people grew slowly. Colonel use his life experiences and stubborn temperament told Charles should found a reason to uphold the convictions, Chris use his sensitivity and firm told lieutenant colonel what state should be take to his own life. They know in just a few days, they are not blood, between them they proced a wonderful relationship, this relationship across the age, situation, experience 's obstacles.
       End of the video, everything resumed to what it should be . Charlie's troubles resolved by the help help of Lt. Col Lieutenant.Colonel Charles's suicide decision was dispelled by Chris. They return to the original life. However, all have happened had a little different. Because Charlie is no longer confused, he can be more firmly to his principles and beliefs,. Lieutenant Colonel is no longer violent, he can keep calm state of mind to enjoy his later life.
I think watch this movie is like watching a really good cup of tea, perhaps the beganning is faint odor, but after is lingering fragrance convoluted
As far as I am concerned,it is a great one,I like it!
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