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watch as 什么意思?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 22:21



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 22:43

Had to stand and watch as our members one by one fall.
The woman identified the stolen watch as hers.
He found a new watch as he went to see a film.
I can identify that watch as mine by the scratches on the back.
Shocked, he could only watch as I turned and started back to bed.
And watch as this brilliant fireball lights up the western Canada sky.
Bermuda has issued a tropical storm watch as Hurricane Bertha approaches.
Then watch as they nervously demur, citing state laws, cost, and fuzzy hospital policies.
Make them move straight through enemy infantry and watch as they leave a wake of dead bodies!
There's really not a lot of shows you can watch as a grown-up with your kids and gladly do it.
I think that sounds interesting. I am going to hang you too, and watch as your face turns purple.
Watch as Gates follows a series of clues from Paris, to England, and then back to the United States.
It is a region to watch as it is a region set to become a boutique region in the true French tradition.
Live Playstation 3 action! Watch as I play Playstation 3 games online and see if anything awesome happens.
After all the bad attention China has been getting recently, I am so proud to watch as they band together to help others.
Whittaker insists that two team members stay in the open to keep watch as the robot drives 792 laps around its short test loop.
I try to watch as much Korean television as I possibly can and I heard that it is one of the biggest one, so I'm really happy to be here.
The aide wanted to know if William and Harry could watch as Owen and his editor looked over their tape of the most recent photos of the royal family.
Albanian television pictures show Mr. Bush wearing his watch as one man grasped his arm and seemed to grab at the timepiece. Seconds later, the watch was gone.
Watch as a Graf Zeppelin of debt propels its self-styled "Viking Raiders" across the world's financial stage, accumulating companies like gamblers hoarding chips.
Time after time they'd swarm to help others, watch as the ball was passed around, collapse on Trevor at the three-point line and force Ariza to create on his own.
There the SS guards held a sadistic "Christmas party" for the inmates, who were compelled to stand in ranks and watch as the guards hanged the recaptured paratroopers.
President Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden watch as the NASA Lunar Electric Rover stops in front of the reviewing stand. Image Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls.
In so doing, each ascending human begins to honor the land again, and it is with great joy that I Buffalo shall watch as many "light workers" willingly agree to assist Earth in this manner!
He gave me a watch as surety .
Watch as it takes flight to soar across the sky.
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