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急用 求一篇英语作文,关于写老师的!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 22:43



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 07:22

I most like my English teacher, he was in our class is the most popular teacher, he teaches us English。He often help us witn learn English and ask us to study hard.And He often about our brilliant smile..
Our English teacher has a lot of hobbies, including his most good at singing.He loved singing, and he sing very good to listen, we're all very fond of his songs.
This is my favorite teacher,who is your favorite?

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 07:22

Teacher, I want to say to you.
During the spring and autumn, is you accompany me through together; Countless nights, your tireless corrected a mountain of homework; Thousands of days, you give up and the younger daughter happy time together, and we study together happy together.
Do you use a short chalk followed in his life, three feet platform accomplished your dreams, you silent and cultivated a batch of talents for the society, student's result has become the biggest comfort of you, happy students also becomes your biggest smile

My teacher Our senior division commander the unusual unattractiveness, she has the long black volume to send with the big eye, wears a black the big eyeglasses, she is putting on the red skirt and the white shoe frequently comes to us to attend class, but she has little omino...

急求一篇英语作文MY English Studies

My favourite teacher is my English teacher, her name is Mrs. Zhang. She's very pretty and very nice to us. She has long/short hair and big brown eyes. Not like other teachers, she always tries to make friends with the students and she always try to make friends with her ...

求英语作文:My new teacher(五年级) 今天就要 带翻译!

«So I hope that the whole class to emerge, so that our teachers to lead classes in the heights! 我的老师 我很自豪我有这样一个好老师,她是我的老师焦老师。当我进入中学,他们听说老师是我们的优秀教师焦炭教师。我觉得一个有点兴奋,默默在心中想象的形象,这个优秀教师。 i焦急地在希望最后等到晚上,...

我的数学老师(英语作文) 老师为女,作文120字左右,急用!

Our math teacher is a woman, she taught high school curriculum.Her appearance and style very different with other female teacher. She is not very tall, lean body mass, the skin is very white, her nose is small, but has big eyes, also wearing a pair of black frame glasses. ...


I hope my teachers will be happy and healthy forever.(浅户禾添原创)(注:如果是慰问信,没要求写腿断了,就不要写,太伤人又不礼貌,可以用 I hope she will get better soon and get over the difficults and face the future bravely 代替.)


example.Her language class says is vivid, is interesting, we all like her, really is a good teacher!我的语文老师是孙小姐,中等身材,对我们非常友好,就像我们的朋友。她关心、热爱学生,工作认真负责,是老师们的榜样啊。她语文课讲得生动、有趣,我们都喜欢她,真是一个好老师啊 ...


My New Teacher My new teacher is Chinese teacher. He’s very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes.

跪求!!!英语作文(初一) 60词左右题目我的英语老师

Miss Li is my English teacher. Her name is Li Qian. She was born in 1982. She is from Qingdao. She is very young and beautiful. She is mudium build. She has long beautiful black hair. She has many hobbies. She likes playing basketball very much and she plays it very ...

我的英语老师为题 英语作文70词左右 急用

she always helps me patiently and tells me what's right from wrong.She treated us as her friends and children.So I can say she is a mother more than a teacher.All of us students like our English teacher.Although she is not very tall,she is great. Although she has not ...


I hope my teachers will be happy and healthy forever.(浅户禾添原创)(注:如果是慰问信,没要求写腿断了,就不要写,太伤人又不礼貌,可以用 I hope she will get better soon and get over the difficults and face the future bravely 代替。)

我的英语老师用英语写作文 关于介绍英语老师的英语作文 关于谢老师的英语作文 我的新英语老师英语作文 英语作文写自己的老师 英语作文《我的老师》 我的老师英语作文50字 英语作文介绍一个老师 我最喜欢的老师英语作文
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