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麻烦帮忙翻译几篇文章(人工翻译) 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-20 16:28



热心网友 时间:2024-03-03 17:27


The happiness of life is not the three factors:
There is hope.

Alexander the great gifts, once said his generosity. He gave a large sum of money to a party, gave a province, an official to c. His friends heard this, said to him, "if you always do this, you will need." Alexander said: "I NaHui broke, I left for me is a great gift. I left my hope."

Do something.

Many people have unemployment or nothing to do, he felt day slowly, life is empty. Had this experience will know that there is unfortunate, but a work of happiness.

To love.

Poet wrote: "weining nang had looked at him, she caught a glimpse of her to him in a sudden awakening, life." A love, life is a spring, the world becomes brightly.

What is the lack of the poor

France is just before he died, rich barak, a wills kingship who can guess the secret, leonardo barak answered, "what is the most of the problems will be 100 million who francs bonus.

When will the newspaper, received many answers.

Most people think that most of the lack of money, money is poor, he is no longer. Others think the lack of opportunities is poor. For example, stock soaring before buying stocks have thrown, after the exits, the poor are poor in BeiShi. Another part of the people think that most of the poor is lack of skill. Can now rich quickly are crafty, some people who are poor, for learning became without director. In the end,... 48561 letter, one that's the girl to the secret of leonardo, barak, the lack of the poor is rich ambition. The date of the Corsican people, with all the news reporter who curiosity, ask only 9 years old, why the thought of ambition is rather than the other. Tia says: "every time, my sister put her boyfriend home at the age of 11, always warned me say don't have ambitions! I think maybe ambition to get yourself."

Recently, some Hollywood and other instry upstarts several young man in an interview with local radio topic, unashamedly admitted: ambition is eternal, is all the miracles malady germination point, Some people are poor, mostly because they have a hopeless weaknesses, which lacks ambition.

Red and black

Once upon a time, a young artists in an old monk saw a temple in Paris. A painter, go on a white paper on the boy in red ink painting a tree, bamboo. Artist asked: "master, why did you use red ink painting, such as bamboo not drawn into the red?"

Monk smiled to ask: "excuse me, do you think what color painting bamboo?" Painters, said: "in black ink painting, of course."

Then asked, "monk, bamboo don't become black?"

Young artists sails

热心网友 时间:2024-03-03 17:27


The happiness of life is not the three factors:
There is hope.

Alexander the great gifts, once said his generosity. He gave a large sum of money to a party, gave a province, an official to c. His friends heard this, said to him, "if you always do this, you will need." Alexander said: "I NaHui broke, I left for me is a great gift. I left my hope."

Do something.

Many people have unemployment or nothing to do, he felt day slowly, life is empty. Had this experience will know that there is unfortunate, but a work of happiness.

To love.

Poet wrote: "weining nang had looked at him, she caught a glimpse of her to him in a sudden awakening, life." A love, life is a spring, the world becomes brightly.

What is the lack of the poor

France is just before he died, rich barak, a wills kingship who can guess the secret, leonardo barak answered, "what is the most of the problems will be 100 million who francs bonus.

When will the newspaper, received many answers.

Most people think that most of the lack of money, money is poor, he is no longer. Others think the lack of opportunities is poor. For example, stock soaring before buying stocks have thrown, after the exits, the poor are poor in BeiShi. Another part of the people think that most of the poor is lack of skill. Can now rich quickly are crafty, some people who are poor, for learning became without director. In the end,... 48561 letter, one that's the girl to the secret of leonardo, barak, the lack of the poor is rich ambition. The date of the Corsican people, with all the news reporter who curiosity, ask only 9 years old, why the thought of ambition is rather than the other. Tia says: "every time, my sister put her boyfriend home at the age of 11, always warned me say don't have ambitions! I think maybe ambition to get yourself."

Recently, some Hollywood and other instry upstarts several young man in an interview with local radio topic, unashamedly admitted: ambition is eternal, is all the miracles malady germination point, Some people are poor, mostly because they have a hopeless weaknesses, which lacks ambition.

Red and black

Once upon a time, a young artists in an old monk saw a temple in Paris. A painter, go on a white paper on the boy in red ink painting a tree, bamboo. Artist asked: "master, why did you use red ink painting, such as bamboo not drawn into the red?"

Monk smiled to ask: "excuse me, do you think what color painting bamboo?" Painters, said: "in black ink painting, of course."

Then asked, "monk, bamboo don't become black?"

Young artists sails

热心网友 时间:2024-03-03 17:28

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