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英语作文 咨询信

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 02:01



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 04:24

At present, the low-temperature refrigeration technology has been widely used in all aspects of social life . The chlorine Freon that the traditional gas loading refrigeration technology still used is releasing the green-house gases which has affected humanity’s ecological environment seriously. Therefore, seeking a novel, highly effective, unpolluted refrigeration way is urgent to be solved for the world now. Magnetic refrigeration technology is a new science and technology and is the tendency of future refrigeration. In this paper, we study the working principle of magnetic refrigeration technology and the option ways of magnetic materials, and we also compare magnetic refrigeration and gas loading refrigeration, followed by some critical magnetic technology: analyzing the magnetic field, designing the structure of magnetic body, the choosing of magnetic refrigeration cycle, Cold storage heat exchange technology. Finally, the present magnetic refrigeration prototype research situation, application prospect and basic problems of research of magnetic refrigeration field is presented.

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Dear xx,How is it going? I have been a middle school student for half of a year. I enjoy studying in my school. However, I have some difficulties in learning English well. Could you do me a favor and tell how to learn it well? For-example, you can tell me how to ...


Dear Peter。Thanks for your letter. You have asked me how to learn Chinese well. I have four suggestions for you.Firstly, You can join the Chinese study training. In the training, you can accept the systematic Chinese grammer. The teache will teach how to pronounce well. I thi...


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Dear Mary,Thank you for inviting me to your party this Saturday. I am sorry to inform you that I cannot make it to your party. The reason I cannot attend is because on Saturday, I have to visit my aunt with my parents that morning, and an appointment with my doctor that ...


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Dear sir:The script is a form of literature, is a text based drama art, director and actors perform according to the script. The script and similar vocabulary also includes scripts, drama and so on. It is based on the style of the main body, the performance of the story of...




Dear president,I'm writing this letter to ask you something about the White House,because this semester we are learning something about the White House and I'm interested in it.Well,as we all know,the White House is a famous place in England.So I'd like to know how many ...


Hello,eveybody!My name is***,I am in Grade nine Class five. I like playing basketball very much ,everyday ,I will play basktball for 1 hour with my classmates. Also , travelling is one of my hobbies.I hope to travel around the ...

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