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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 02:01



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 04:25

Dear father and mother: Hello When you receive this letter, can feel very strange, can be theletter which who you writes, this is your daughter the letter whichwrites to you, the daughter is long such greatly or first time writesthis letter to you, this I felt I really am the daughter whichunfilial is suitable, asks father and mother to forgive my unfilialonce more, later I could diligently be a filial child. Father and mother I am very grateful you to be able to deliver, mecontinue to this school to study, because I felt just started thisschool from me also to have more than a year to the present, I haslearned very many things in this school, how for instance did I learnto be the person, had to unite the schoolmate to respect divisioncommander and so on, although this school was a little obsolete, theenvironment was not very good, but school teacher showed lovingconcern infinite. Father and mother ask you to feel relieved I all display in the schoolvarious aspects very much well, I diligently studies in the studyaspect studies assiously. Now compared to originally has understoodvery many, for instance I study the professional course, curriculumand so on procere, bureau territory, computer foundation, handerstood are very many, when I just trod into this school, I knewvery much few to the computer aspect, the basic typing all could not,how but now did I learn to type, the typesetting, the editor and soon. In the basic course curriculum and so on language, mathematics,English I achieved have not understood asked. Until clearly. I alsocan achieve in the life oneself look after oneself, achieves as far aspossible little lets you worry. Father and mother in mention in the hand in front of the pen, I felt Ihave many 心里话 to want to say to you, but mentions in the handwhen me the pen, I did not know how should start to write, at usuallysome times you to me very ominous, but I knew this is good for me,sometimes wants to link up with you, but did not know how should doonly then well, each time I make the phone call to go home asked youcross? You always said crosses very much well, actually I knew you donot want to let me worry, since therefore all has always been saidoneself crosses very much well. Now I grew up sensible I to know yourburden very big, very was tired day in day out, I very wanted to sharesome for you, finally I only wanted to say: You have been workinghard! Your daughter: Guo Dongqin On January 4, 2006 Respect father and mother: Hello The time passes really is very quick! I arrived here to havemore than a year in an instant, what do I come this to do? Is what amI come this to do? I unable to restrain to ask in reply like thisoneself, I come here am for study the specialized skill, for own lifepath shop good cornerstone, I can arrive here to study all is fatherand mother's support also has grandfather paternal grandmother, ifdoes not have their support, I am do not have the opportunity to comehere to study, does not have opportunity understanding such many newfriends, in this must to respect father and mother say the sound"thanks". In this more than year of time, I have learned many things, forinstance said has not arrived in me in front of here this, I cannotuse the credit card, cannot use the computer, cannot buy clothes, shoeand so on, arrives this lively metropolis this since me, these Icannot the thing, now I all could, I not merely learn this some, moreimportantly I learned in here to be the person, this all thank schoolall teachers, should thank is the parents, in here had to the parentsto say the sound "thanked." The parents in order to my this do not make every effort to succeed,paid too many too have been many, you invested your most lifetimeincome on my body, I has fallen ill in the year before last, looked atmany many doctors not to favor, might the daddy frighten badly mother,finally, the yellow day did not pay the person with high aspirations,in the county people hospital, found to be able to be cured mysickness doctor, but spend many money only then to favor, moreover Ihave taken the nearly two years medicine, graally has never broken,in this period I could not eat the too greasy thing, Let alone waseats the meat, moreover could not the movement, the parents fear I atethe such many medicines nutrition not to be able to follow, dideverything possible, supplemented the nutrition for me, did not let memake any matter, in this period was allowed to say I happy was allmore joyful than which family's children, but the parents, grandfatherpaternal grandmother you, got up the early rest evening, no matter thespring, summer, fall, and winter so, thought of here daily, my heartacid, the picture was eats the five senses fruit equally not to beable to say is any type feeling, in the heart feels bad very much, inhere me had to the parents to say the sound "thanked." The parents andgrandfather paternal grandmother you have been working hard Wishes the parents health, the long life

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 04:25

My dear parents:
thank you !
I am very glag to be your son !In this year,
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