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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 02:04



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 04:44

It went smoothly. In less than three minutes in the vehicle , a wallet was obtained. Full and bulging, the wallet apparently contains quite a bit of cash.
By experience, he must quickly leave the scene of crime. He quickly stuffs the wallet into his pant pocket and pushes for the rear end of the bus(是汽车的话是car, 可是我以为是公共汽车), planning to exit through the back door the minute that the bus stop is arrived/bus arrives at the bus stop. There are many people in the bus, even the aisle is crowded; the few youths offering their seats to the elderly and pushing delay his time even more. He finally pushes through to the rear end, as he prays in his heart uneasily: Heaven blesses me. Before the next stop is arrived, please do not let the owner notices that the wallet is gone......
In just a while, a woman's voice comes from the front, "My wallet was in the bag just a while ago!..." Her pitch isn't high (音调不高, 若是指声音不大 Her voice isn't loud), and the bus is noisy, but he hears her very clearly. His heart skips a beat: It's her, it's screwed.
Someone is saying, "Relax, think again, perhaps you put it in a different bag? Or perhaps you've dropped it?"
All of a sudden, all the noises in the bus cease. The people in the back crane their neck to see what happened in the front, and the people in front stir, possibly looking for the wallet. He does not budge, nor does he dare to look, wishing desperately that the bus will quickly arrive at the stop.
"There's no mistake, I definitely tucked it in this bag." The woman says.
"Stop looking, the thief must have gotten it. How much was in it?" A man is asking.
"Sixty Yuan (陆币?). It's for my mother-in-law's hospitalization fees, the old lady's got pneumonia....." The lost owner says, disconsolately, almost crying.
He blinks, staring outside at the quickly retreating houses. (我译成急速退下的房子, 因为在英文小说裏有看过这样的形容)
Nearby an elderly lady sighs, "Alas, what a good daughter-in-law! How is anyone so heartless as to pick her pocket...."
"Thieves don't care about that, they have no conscience!(他们没有良心)" A furiously young man says.
His heart moves a little, but instantly it calms down. He looks out the window anxiously: thankfully the bus stop is almost there, and when he gets off he won't have to hear all these anymore.
The voice from the front startles him once again, "Elder sister-in-law, here is ten yuan. You are in need, so take it first."
"You-- Thank you big brother. I can't take it."
"Take it, daughter-in-law. I have ten yuan here too."
"Uncle (大爷跟伯伯叔叔辈似乎差不多啊) you...."
"These fifty eggs were intended to help my daughter to secrete milk. I don't have cash, so take them as your mother-in-law's nourishment."

参考资料:嗯, 手翻的, 因為原文好所以翻的還算開心喲

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 04:45

Doing very conveniently, in less than three minutes, a car to clinch the wallet is, looks, drum drum inside money a few.
With experience, need to get away from the scene of the crime. He quickly wallet chuai into pockets, went to the rear of the car crowded, going to a station after it alight from. The person many, even corridor station was full, plus there are a few young people to offer your seat to the elderly, nudge, let more delayed his time. Wading crowded to the rear of the car, heart jitterily prayer: god bless. On to the next stop before, never let owner found lost the wallet...
Moments later, a woman's voice from the front preach over: "just my wallet is still in pocket!..." The voice is not high, the car again, can much goingon ?
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