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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 07:49



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 11:57

Looking for cattle to help me translate the English translations do not have to manually line translation ~ ~ ~ The following article out of the latest development CuZr based bulk metallic glass alloy has excellent mechanical strength e, in particular, high tensile strength and good scalability, and low prices have attracted much attention, is expected as high-strength steel material used in actual projects. 然而在这些块体金属玻璃形成的各体系中,人们只是通过经验判据来寻找金属玻璃合金成分,并没有精确定位出最佳金属玻璃合金成分的位置。 However, these bulk metallic glass formation of the system, it is only through experience criteria to find the metallic glass alloy composition, and did not pinpoint the best location of metallic glass alloy composition. 本研究工作主要是从团簇结构出发,给出了由第一近邻团簇结构计算金属玻璃电子浓度的近似方法。 This research is mainly starting from the clusters is given by the first neighbor cluster structures of metallic glasses electron concentration approximation. 讨论影响CuZr基金属玻璃形成能力的重要参数电子浓度与团簇之间的关联。 Discuss the impact of CuZr glass forming ability of the Fund is an important parameter of electronic link between concentration and clusters. 本文从CuZr二元合金体系的不同合金相出发,得到不同的最近邻团簇结构。 This paper CuZr binary alloy system with different starting alloys, are different nearest neighbor clusters. 分析球周期结构模型下CuZr基块体金属玻璃合金成分的电子浓度与团簇结构之间的关联,判定CuZr基块体金属玻璃强玻璃形成能力影响因素 Periodic structure model of the ball CuZr based bulk metallic glass alloy composition of the electron density and the relationship between cluster structure, determined based bulk metallic glass CuZr strong glass forming ability factors

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 11:58

The latest development of CuZr base metal alloy e to block glass has excellent mechanical strength, especially high tensile strength and good ctility and cheap price, and people's attention to the practical application materials as identity in the project. But in these blocks the formation of metal glass, people simply through system of criteria for metal glass experience, and no precise composition of the alloy of metal alloy, the optimal location of the ingredients. Glass This research is mainly from clusters, the structure of the neighbor clusters of metal glass structure calculation method of approximation of electronic concentration. Discussion of CuZr influence the formation of glass of fund of important parameters in electronic concentration and the correlation between clusters.
This CuZr binary alloy system from different alloy phase, and obtains the clusters of different structure. Analyzing the ball under CuZr base structure model of cycle block metal alloy composition of glass with clusters of electronic concentration, the correlation between the structure CuZr base metal glass block forming strong ability to influence factors. Glass

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 11:58

The latest development of CuZr base metal alloy e to block glass has excellent mechanical strength, especially high tensile strength and good ctility and cheap price, and people's attention to the practical application materials as identity in the project. But in these blocks the formation of metal glass, people simply through system of criteria for metal glass experience, and no precise composition of the alloy of metal alloy, the optimal location of the ingredients. Glass This research is mainly from clusters, the structure of the neighbor clusters of metal glass structure calculation method of approximation of electronic

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 11:59

The latest development of CuZr base metal alloy e to block glass has excellent mechanical strength, especially high tensile strength and good ctility and cheap price, and people's attention to the practical application materials as identity in the project. But in these blocks the formation of metal glass, people simply through system of criteria for metal glass experience, and no precise composition of the alloy of metal alloy, the optimal location of the ingredients. Glass This research is mainly from clusters, the structure of the neighbor clusters of metal glass structure calculation method of approximation of electronic concentration. Discussion of CuZr influence the formation of glass of fund of important parameters in electronic concentration and the correlation between clusters.
This CuZr binary alloy system from different
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