发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 08:00
热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 14:25
Feng Yingjing, the word can be large, the people of Xuyi. Wanli Jinshi twenty years. As the Ministry of principal. Du Ji Zhen Jun Chu, low-cost dry smell. Instead of searching, into Yuanwai Lang. Twenty-eight years, Zhuo Huguang Qian, Wuchang, Hanyang, Huangzhou branch. Three fu. Rope and destroy the evil, Ho, style title. Tax supervisor Chen Fengzi cross, the governor can only support the promise but would like to be alone, Beijing and cd. Feng hit grams of multifarious, to destroy the house of mound, pregnant women, female baby. The year December, the wife humiliation, V. shangguan. Members of the public from the million, crying to move in, swarms of Xie, the Secretary Chi rescue is free. Should Beijing capture therapy its claws, in anger, Yang mouthing and a gold one. Should Beijing complex exposure, Yi and hate. The next lunar January, wine invites the Secretary, defence to thousands of soldiers, then lift rocket burned houses. The people in the group over the door. In word attack, dead, crushed the corpse, throw all the way. Can be big and dare not speak, only sparse columns should Beijing against its ten great sin. Feng also falsely played should Beijing flex life, Ling Chi. The emperor angry, life down complex post, adjustable side. To Momoka Yamashi, Li Yitang to censor impeach in chapter, begging you should beijing. Emperor Yi Nu, in addition to Beijing name. Is, Xiangyang Tong mansion, push officer He Dongru, Jujube county magistrate Wang Zhihan also Wu Feng impeachment. Chao Zhai, the Han people, buildings such as task. Russia to give in on Yang Yingwen to save, then and catch should Beijing, house, the three john. Qing, Wuchang Tong Zhi Bian impeach and accuse falsely in the hole to resist, Kong Shiyi caught.
热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 14:26
冯应京,字可大,盱眙人。万历二十年进士。为户部主事。督蓟镇军储,以廉干闻。寻改兵部,进员外郎。二十八年,擢湖广佥事,分巡武昌、汉阳、黄州三府。绳贪墨,摧奸豪,风采大著。税监陈奉恣横,巡抚支可大以下唯诺惟谨,应京独以法裁之。奉掊克万端,至伐冢毁屋,刳孕妇,溺婴儿。其年十二月,有诸生妻被辱,诉上官。市民从者万余,哭声动地,蜂涌入奉廨,诸司驰救乃免。应京捕治其爪牙,奉怒,阳饷食而置金其中。应京复暴之,益惭恨。明年正月,置酒邀诸司,以甲士千人自卫,遂举火箭焚民居。民群拥奉门。奉遣人击之,多死,碎其尸,掷诸途。可大噤不敢出声,应京独抗疏列其十大罪。奉亦诬奏应京挠命,陵敕使。帝怒,命贬杂职,调边方。给事中田大益、御史李以唐等交章劾奉,乞宥应京。帝益怒,除应京名。是时,襄阳通判邸宅、推官何栋如、枣阳县知县王之翰亦忤奉被劾。诏宅、之翰为民,栋如遣逮。俄以都给事中杨应文论救,遂并逮应京、宅、之翰三人。顷之,奉又诬劾武昌同知卞孔时抗拒,孔时亦被逮。 缇骑抵武昌,民知应京获重谴,相率痛哭。奉乃大书应京名,列其罪,榜之通衢。士民益愤,聚数万人围奉廨,奉窘,逃匿楚王府,遂执其斥牙六人,投之江,并伤缇骑;詈可大助虐,焚其府门,可大不敢出。奉潜遣参随三百人,引兵追逐,射杀数人,伤者不可胜计。日已晡,犹纷拏。应京囚服坐槛车,晓以大义,乃稍稍解散。奉匿楚府,逾月不敢出,亟请还京。大学士沈一贯因极言奉罪,请立代还。言官亦争以为请。帝未许。俄江西税监李道亦奏奉侵匿状,乃召还,隶其事于承天守备杜茂。顷之,东厂奏缇骑有死者。帝愠甚,手诏内阁,欲究主谋。一贯言民心宜静,请亟遣重臣代可大拊循,因以侍郎赵可怀荐。帝乃褫可大官,令可怀驰往。未至,可大已遣兵护奉行。舟车相衔,数里不绝。可怀入境,亦遣使护之。奉得迄逦去。 应京之就逮也,士民拥槛车号哭,车不得行。既去,则家为位祀之。三郡父老相率诣阙诉冤,帝不省。吏科都给事中郭如星、刑科给事中陈维春更连章劾奉。帝怒,谪两人边方杂职,系应京等诏狱,拷讯久之不释。应京乃于狱中著书,昕夕无倦。三十二年九月,星变修省。廷臣多请释系囚,于是应京及宅、栋如获释。之翰先瘐死,而孔时系狱如故。 应京志操卓荦,学求有用,不事空言,为淮西士人之冠。出狱三年卒。天启初,赠太常少卿,谥恭节。