发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-13 18:47
热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 22:48
没参加高考,没有可能申请到麦吉尔大学的. 要求是提供高中三年成绩(要求优秀),高考成绩本科线上,提供大学在读证明(或录取通知书),雅思要求6.5分以上热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 22:48
International admission
Applicants will be considered for admission on their high school transcript (Grades 1, 2 and midyear grade 3) and all available results of the Huikao exams. Note that SAT cannot be used as a substitute for the Huikao/Academic Proficiency Test (APT).
The minimum requirements normally are averages of 85% or higher in each year and in all prerequisite courses. Many programs are more competitive and will require higher grades; applicants who present the minimum requirements are not guaranteed admission
Applicants from Chinese provinces where the Huikao is not offered must present additional external information of their academic credentials, such as SATI and SATII scores. If admitted to McGill, you must arrange for your school to send to McGill University an official final transcript of your complete high school record, the graation certificate, and all final HUIKAO results.
If you write the GAOKAO, you must make arrangements to forward to us the final official results.
热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 22:49
想要知道自己的gpa、雅思\托福、gmat、gre等成绩能申请到国外什么大学,可以把自己的这些信息输入到留学志愿参考系统中,系统会自动从数据库中匹配出与你情况相似的同学案例,看看他们成功申请了哪些院校和专业,这样子就可以看到你目前的水平能申请到什么层次的院校和专业了,对自己进行精准的定位。 定位地址可到公*众*号【留学志愿参考系统】中获取,也可直接点击:https://www.liuxue315.cn/dingwei/?ozs=86209-2709热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 22:49
楼主可以使用留学志愿参考系统,看系统中有多少与你情况相似的学生成功申请了这个学校或者那些专业,看看他们最低多少分就可以被录取,这有点类似于高考志愿填报参考系统,你还可以对自己做精准定位,看看以你目前的条件符不符合这个学校要求,能申请到什么层次的院校和专业。留学定位可参考:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_498d22040103038q.html热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 22:50