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Generation gap的英语演讲稿

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 00:19



热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 08:13


When Generation Gap Comes Between Us

Kids today are surely different.They confuse us by acting differently,dressing differently,and responding defensively--even to their own parents.Thus,generation gap takes place. What can we do to help?Shout back at the kids?

Fortunately, there is a better way. I’ve been reading a lot about a philosophy called Taking Children Seriously, and it is a radical break from traditional parenting.
TCS advocates non-coercive parenting — not forcing the child to do anything, but rather ecating the child, guiding the child, helping the child, and trying to lead by persuasion rather than coercion.
It sounds good, but in reality it can be difficult for a traditional parent to accept the TCS way, as it means letting go of notions that a child must “listen” (or obey), that we must teach the child certain lessons and the means justifies this end, that ecation is rightly done through (coercive) schools, that our way is the right way.
Either the parent getting her way or the child getting his way, means that either the child or the parent gets hurt,which makes generation gap get worse.

TCS advocates neither person getting hurt — everyone should win. You do that by considering alternatives until you find an option that both parties are happy with.
I don’t think we should hurt each other and should find ways to work things out so that everyone is happy whenever possible.And only with more consideration can generation gap no longer comes between us.
generation gap英语作文及翻译

generation gap英语作文(一)Though many aspects of our sociallife have been improved, the generation gap between the youths and the elders remains and even grows wider.虽然我们社会生活的诸多方面已经得到了改善,但年轻人与老年人之间的代沟仍然存在,甚至在扩大。In my opinion, because of ...


父母与孩子代沟英语作文篇1 Generation gap refers to the misunderstanding between the old and young. The term came into fashion after the 1980s. However, in recent years, the phenomenon is getting more and more fierce.代沟指的是老人和年轻人之间的误解。这个词在20世纪80年代就开始流行。

求一篇关于GENERATION GAP的英语文章. 演讲用

Generation gap is natural,but very influential(有影响的).If we cannot deal with it appropriately(适当地),the gap will be greater and the greater and consequently(结果) affect the work and the relation between the old and the young.

求助:关于generation gap 的大学英语作文

Generation gap is a concept which means a lack of understanding and communication between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents do not understand them while parents worry about their children's behaviours and ideas.Why does there exist a generation gap between ...

急求英语作文一篇,谢谢。《on the generation gap》

1.Generation Gap Nowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents are out of date, while parents can’t approve of what their children say and do. Thus, a big generation gap is formed.The gap remains wide ...

以“Generation Gap”为题。写一篇不少于120词的英语短文 内容包括 代沟...

Generation Gap Nowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents are out of date, while parents can’t approve of what their children say and do. Thus, a big generation gap is formed.The gap remains wide for...

写一篇以 generation gap 为话题的英语作文,不少于120词,急求,来个...

between parents and children. Then, we should try to take some time to communicatewith each other frequently. Not only the parents, but also the kids should be equal when exchanging their views. Only by their joint efforts can the parents and children bridge the generationgapbetween...


Generation GapNowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents are out of date, while parents can’t approve of what their children say and do. Thus, a big generation gap is formed.The gap remains wide for ...

Generation gap的英语演讲稿

Either the parent getting her way or the child getting his way, means that either the child or the parent gets hurt,which makes generation gap get worse.TCS advocates neither person getting hurt — everyone should win. You do that by considering alternatives until you find an ...


Generation gap is natural, but very influential(有影响的). If we cannot deal with it appropriately(适当地), the gap will be greater and the greater and consequently(结果) affect the work and the relation between the old and the young.2.Generation Gap-代沟 The generation gap ...

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