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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 00:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 15:38


Act 1

Voiceover: Liang Shanbo has traversed for thousands of years, came to the 21st Century to look for Zhu Yingtai.

Liang Shanbo: Ah, Yingtai? Are you my Yingtai? I finally found you, marry me!

Zhu Yingtai: Mr. Liang, do you have great wealth, country house or Porsche sports car?

Liang Shanbo: I haven’t.

Zhu’s mother: Look at that Ma Wencai, Mr. Ma has a house and a car. Yingtai, I think you’d better marry him, and ensure that you have a happy life.

Zhu Yingtai: Mother, we’ll go to see Mr. Ma.


Act 2

Ma Wencai: Yingtai, do you think out? Marry me!

Zhu Yingtai: Wencai, do you love me?

Ma Wencai: I love you so much! My car, my house, including me, is yours!

Zhu Yingtai: Really? Darling ~~

Ma Wencai: Honey ~~~


Act 3


Ma Wencai’s father was investigated for bribery, and lost all standing and reputation, the Ma family fall apart.

Mr. Ma’s father: This is so intense, nothing else, well, well, get a life! Wencai, quickly, pack it up, run!!

Ma Wencai: Dad, wait for me! Yingtai, I’m sorry, you‘d better fend for yourself now!


Act 4

Voiceover: Zhu Yingtai walks along the bustling streets lonely and wandering. Suddenly, she sees Liang Shanbo who stands against the railing

Zhu Yingtai: Shanbo, I finally understand what are the clouds; only you are the most real. I am back, I will marry you.

Liang Shanbo: I understand too, my lover is Yingtai of simple goodness thousands of years ago, but not you, hypocritical and snobbery now. So, you go.

Zhu Yingtai: Mr. Liang!!!追问同样谢谢你,只是当时我们有点急,所以一有人回答就用了他的答案。这就是那个英语短剧的视频 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/NaoCIjXuMK4/ 我们*自演的,麻烦顶顶哦,打满分,谢谢~

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 15:38

Episode I

Narrator: Mr.Shanbo Liang who travel through several thousand years come to 21 century to look for Mrs.Yingtai Zhu

Mr.Liang: Ah, you re my girl? I finally find you and marry with me

Mrs.Zhu: Mr.Liang dou you have a lot of money, a cottage or a Porsche?

Mr.Liang: No

Mrs.Zhu's mother: Please look at the Mr.Ma not only the house but also many cars in his home. Yingtai, you had better marry with him. I promise that you will be happy

Mrs.Zhu: Dear mom, go to see him at once

Episode II

Mr.Ma: what do you think about it? marry me?

Mrs.Zhu: Wencai, do you love me

Mr.Ma:I love you deeply! all mine belong to you

Mrs.Zhu: Is it the real? 相公。。。


Episode III

Narrator: Mr.Ma'father is accused of the bribery and they lost all standing and reputation

Mr.Ma'father: Well, hell! we have nothing now. Forget it, it is most important to be alive
let's run away with all my money.. Go!

Mr.Ma: Dad,wait a minute. Yingtai ,i am sorry to you, we had better flee in different way ,bye!

Episode IIII

Narrator: Zhu walk along the street and see the the Shanbo suddenly who lean against the balcony railing

Mrs.Zhu: Shanbo,i finally know Don’t take things too serious you are the real to me. i am back and i'd like to marry to you

Mr.Liang: i also understand I love the Yingtai before several thousand years rather than now who is hypocritical

So, you can go now

Mrs.Zhu: Oh 。。 my Liang

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 15:38


Act 1

Voiceover: Liang Shanbo has traversed for thousands of years, came to the 21st Century to look for Zhu Yingtai.

Liang Shanbo: Ah, Yingtai? Are you my Yingtai? I finally found you, marry me!

Zhu Yingtai: Mr. Liang, do you have great wealth, country house or Porsche sports car?

Liang Shanbo: I haven’t.

Zhu’s mother: Look at that Ma Wencai, Mr. Ma has a house and a car. Yingtai, I think you’d better marry him, and ensure that you have a happy life.

Zhu Yingtai: Mother, we’ll go to see Mr. Ma.


Act 2

Ma Wencai: Yingtai, do you think out? Marry me!

Zhu Yingtai: Wencai, do you love me?

Ma Wencai: I love you so much! My car, my house, including me, is yours!

Zhu Yingtai: Really? Darling ~~

Ma Wencai: Honey ~~~


Act 3


Ma Wencai’s father was investigated for bribery, and lost all standing and reputation, the Ma family fall apart.

Mr. Ma’s father: This is so intense, nothing else, well, well, get a life! Wencai, quickly, pack it up, run!!

Ma Wencai: Dad, wait for me! Yingtai, I’m sorry, you‘d better fend for yourself now!


Act 4

Voiceover: Zhu Yingtai walks along the bustling streets lonely and wandering. Suddenly, she sees Liang Shanbo who stands against the railing

Zhu Yingtai: Shanbo, I finally understand what are the clouds; only you are the most real. I am back, I will marry you.

Liang Shanbo: I understand too, my lover is Yingtai of simple goodness thousands of years ago, but not you, hypocritical and snobbery now. So, you go.

Zhu Yingtai: Mr. Liang!!!追问同样谢谢你,只是当时我们有点急,所以一有人回答就用了他的答案。这就是那个英语短剧的视频 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/NaoCIjXuMK4/ 我们*自演的,麻烦顶顶哦,打满分,谢谢~

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 15:38

Episode I

Narrator: Mr.Shanbo Liang who travel through several thousand years come to 21 century to look for Mrs.Yingtai Zhu

Mr.Liang: Ah, you re my girl? I finally find you and marry with me

Mrs.Zhu: Mr.Liang dou you have a lot of money, a cottage or a Porsche?

Mr.Liang: No

Mrs.Zhu's mother: Please look at the Mr.Ma not only the house but also many cars in his home. Yingtai, you had better marry with him. I promise that you will be happy

Mrs.Zhu: Dear mom, go to see him at once

Episode II

Mr.Ma: what do you think about it? marry me?

Mrs.Zhu: Wencai, do you love me

Mr.Ma:I love you deeply! all mine belong to you

Mrs.Zhu: Is it the real? 相公。。。


Episode III

Narrator: Mr.Ma'father is accused of the bribery and they lost all standing and reputation

Mr.Ma'father: Well, hell! we have nothing now. Forget it, it is most important to be alive
let's run away with all my money.. Go!

Mr.Ma: Dad,wait a minute. Yingtai ,i am sorry to you, we had better flee in different way ,bye!

Episode IIII

Narrator: Zhu walk along the street and see the the Shanbo suddenly who lean against the balcony railing

Mrs.Zhu: Shanbo,i finally know Don’t take things too serious you are the real to me. i am back and i'd like to marry to you

Mr.Liang: i also understand I love the Yingtai before several thousand years rather than now who is hypocritical

So, you can go now

Mrs.Zhu: Oh 。。 my Liang
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