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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-01 03:08



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 04:24

A Brief Self Introction

1) I like music, and have been learning Er Hu for many years. Er Hu is one of the most special ethical instruments in China. It conveys the characteristic culture of China. I was awarded with first prize in school variety performance ring my senior high.

2) I love sports. I was the key controlling defence player in the school basketball team ring my senior high.

3) I have always been good at science, in particular Maths, Physics and Chemistry. I was admitted by xx university with excellent scores. I was captain of my class ring the first year at college studying for international trade. I later discovered a keener interest for science. I particularly like xx university's science course. I cherish this opportunity, and hope to develop further in realising my goals.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 04:25

A Brief Self Introction

1) I like music, and have been learning Er Hu for many years. Er Hu is one of the most special ethical instruments in China. It conveys the characteristic culture of China. I was awarded with first prize in school variety performance ring my senior high.

2) I love sports. I was the key controlling defence player in the school basketball team ring my senior high.

3) I have always been good at science, in particular Maths, Physics and Chemistry. I was admitted by xx university with excellent scores. I was captain of my class ring the first year at college studying for international trade. I later discovered a keener interest for science. I particularly like xx university's science course. I cherish this opportunity, and hope to develop further in realising my goals.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 04:25

1) I like music, has for many years learning the erhu, a traditional Chinese musical instruments erhu most of the characteristics that he was very able performance of the Chinese nation's cultural identity.
I was in high school ring the annual campus literary and artistic display of the award.
2) I love sports, in high school is the core of the school basketball team point guard
3) I have been relatively good results science, mathematics, physics, chemistry is one of the advantages of disciplines. I was in the National High School was admitted XX University, in the year of university life as I have in the squad, the study of international trade professional, or later find themselves more interested in science. I love the XX University of Science professional, I very much cherish this opportunity and hope that there can be a better development, and realize their ideals.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 04:26

1) I like music, has for many years learning the erhu, a traditional Chinese musical instruments erhu most of the characteristics that he was very able performance of the Chinese nation's cultural identity.
I was in high school ring the annual campus literary and artistic display of the award.
2) I love sports, in high school is the core of the school basketball team point guard
3) I have been relatively good results science, mathematics, physics, chemistry is one of the advantages of disciplines. I was in the National High School was admitted XX University, in the year of university life as I have in the squad, the study of international trade professional, or later find themselves more interested in science. I love the XX University of Science professional, I very much cherish this opportunity and hope that there can be a better development, and realize their ideals.and Life goals
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