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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-02 10:08



热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 15:00

I heard that you plan to take a vacation in China this summer. As a native Chinese, I'm very glad to give you some advice on your trip planning. The first stop I would recommend is certainly Beijing, China's capital. You can go to the Tian'anmen Square in central Beijing to see the grand and solemn ceremony of the raising of the Chinese national flag; you can also take a walk along the Wangfujing Boulevard, where you can taste delicacies of typical Beijing flavor. Of course you won't forget to climb the Great Wall, already a symbol of China in the world. The second stop should be Qing of Shandong Province, a coastal city in east China, where you can enjoy the picturesque view of blue sky and pure sea, and also tour a European-style shopping mall. The third place you must visit is Zhangjiajie of Hunan Province in central south China -- it is so beautiful that even the Hollywood blockbuster Avatar has picked it as a shooting location. The last but not the least, I think you must pay a visit to Shenzhen, a south China booming city bordering Hong Kong. The city of Shenzhen is regarded as a model of China's reform and economic development, and is highly modernized after three decades of construction. In Shenzhen you could go to the top floor of the Diwang Mansion, where a wax figure of Deng Xiaoping, the late Chinese top leader reputed as the "chief architect of China's reform and opening-up." Shenzhen is also a paradise for shoppers, for whom the Mixcity in Diwang Plaza has always been a popular destination. You can also go to the "Happiness Valley," a theme park featuring wonderful adventures and thrilling games both on land and in water.
Finally, I would like to wish you a very pleasant journey in China.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 15:01

I heard you intend to this year's summer holiday, as China grew up in China I'm glad to have your "trip to China" recommend the best travel information. First stop is certainly came to Beijing, Beijing is the capital of China, can go to Beijing's tiananmen visit, there is the Chinese flag rise place, to feel its grand and stately. Still can go to wangfujing street walk, where the flavor snack sure make you like. And the famous wall, but China spots mark. The second stop can shandong Qing to feel unique European charm. Where the blue sky and the Europe type amorous feelings street is always the domestic and foreign tourists favorite place. The third recommended is zhangjiajie in hunan province, o mountains comely here who reaches are filmed here. And lastly recommends you a will to place, Shenzhen, shenzhen is China's modernization is China's cities, the model of economic development, at the same time is near Hong Kong, don't know if you ever heard of "deng xiaoping"? You can go to visit China's reform and opening-up leader "deng xiaoping" wax, address in diwang building roof, shenzhen is a good place, like shopping 1215 king square mixcity worth. Also can go waterway amphibious theme parks "happy valley" feel there's surprise, wonderful.
I wish you the "China trip" happy happy.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 15:01

I heard you intend to this year's summer holiday, as China grew up in China I'm glad to have your "trip to China" recommend the best travel information. First stop is certainly came to Beijing, Beijing is the capital of China, can go to Beijing's tiananmen visit, there is the Chinese flag rise place, to feel its grand and stately. Still can go to wangfujing street walk, where the flavor snack sure make you like. And the famous wall, but China spots mark. The second stop can shandong Qing to feel unique European charm. Where the blue sky and the Europe type amorous feelings street is always the domestic and foreign tourists favorite place. The third recommended is zhangjiajie in hunan province, o mountains comely here who reaches are filmed here. And lastly recommends you a will to place, Shenzhen, shenzhen is China's modernization is China's cities, the model of economic development, at the same time is near Hong Kong, don't know if you ever heard of "deng xiaoping"? You can go to visit China's reform and opening-up leader "deng xiaoping" wax, address in diwang building roof, shenzhen is a good place, like shopping 1215 king square mixcity worth. Also can go waterway amphibious theme parks "happy valley" feel there's surprise, wonderful.
I wish you the "China trip" happy !

热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 15:02

I heard that you intend to come to China this summer vacation. As a local Chinese, I'm pleased to provide you the best travel information for your "China tour".
The first place we should go is the Capital city Beijing.First of all,we can go to Tian'anmen where the the Chinese national flag is raised and you will feel a sense of majesty and solemn,Then we can have a walk in Wangfujing Street, and enjoy the delicious local flavour snacks.I bet you will like them. And do not forget the famous Great Wall,which is the Symbol of China's scenic spots.
The second place we can go is Qing,which belongs to Shandong Province. You will feel the unique European style there. The big blue and the European style street have been a favorite place for domestic and foreign tourists.
Zhangjiajie of Hunian province is the third place that I want to recommend. The landscape here is so beautiful that the film Avatar is made here.
The last place you should go is Shenzhen,a modern city,an typical example of chinese economic development. It is bordered by Xinggang. Have you ever heard of Dongxiaoping,the leader of reform and opening up to the outside? We can go to the Diwang Building Roof to see the waxwork and also for some shopping. You can also visit Diwang Square,mixcity, the amphibious Theme Park,and the wonderful Happy Valley.
Hope you enjoy your "China tour"!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 15:02

I heard that you plan to take a vacation in China this summer. As a native Chinese, I'm very glad to give you some advice on your trip planning. The first stop I would recommend is certainly Beijing, China's capital. You can go to the Tian'anmen Square in central Beijing to see the grand and solemn ceremony of the raising of the Chinese national flag; you can also take a walk along the Wangfujing Boulevard, where you can taste delicacies of typical Beijing flavor. Of course you won't forget to climb the Great Wall, already a symbol of China in the world. The second stop should be Qing of Shandong Province, a coastal city in east China, where you can enjoy the picturesque view of blue sky and pure sea, and also tour a European-style shopping mall. The third place you must visit is Zhangjiajie of Hunan Province in central south China -- it is so beautiful that even the Hollywood blockbuster Avatar has picked it as a shooting location. The last but not the least, I think you must pay a visit to Shenzhen, a south China booming city bordering Hong Kong. The city of Shenzhen is regarded as a model of China's reform and economic development, and is highly modernized after three decades of construction. In Shenzhen you could go to the top floor of the Diwang Mansion, where a wax figure of Deng Xiaoping, the late Chinese top leader reputed as the "chief architect of China's reform and opening-up." Shenzhen is also a paradise for shoppers, for whom the Mixcity in Diwang Plaza has always been a popular destination. You can also go to the "Happiness Valley," a theme park featuring wonderful adventures and thrilling games both on land and in water.
Finally, I would like to wish you a very pleasant journey in China.
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