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求clean bandit的《rather be》歌词149

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-12 01:15



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 08:02

We're a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea
But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be
I would wait forever, exulted in the seam
As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat

With every step we take, Kyoto to The Bay
Strolling so casually
We're different and the same, gave you another name
Switch up the batteries

If you gave me a chance I would take it
It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it
Loaded gun at her heart, you can't shame me
When I am with you, there's no place I rather be

No, no, no, no place I rather be

We staked out on a mission to find our inner peace
Make it everlasting so nothing's incomplete
It's easy being with you, sacred simplicity
As long as we're together, there's no place I rather be

With every step we take, Kyoto to The Bay
Strolling so casually
We're different and the same, gave you another name
Switch up the batteries

If you gave me a chance I would take it
It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it
Loaded gun at her heart, you can't shame me
When I am with you, there's no place I rather be

No, no, no, no place I rather be

When I am with you, there's no place I rather be

If you gave me a chance I would take it
It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it
Loaded gun at her heart, you can't shame me
When I am with you, there's no place I rather be

No, no, no, no place I rather be


热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 08:02

Nabokov is sun-licked nowUpon the beach at GruenewaldBrilliant and naked justThe way that authors lookClare and Lady Manners drinkUntil the other cows go homeGossip till their lips are bleeding politics and allI'd rather be highI'd rather be flyingI'd rather be dead or out of my headThan training these guns on those men in the sandI'd rather be highThe Thames was black, the towerdarkI flew to Cairo, find my regimentCity's full of generalsAnd generals full of shitI stumble to the graveyard and I lay down by my parents,Whisper "Just remember ckiesEverybody gets got"I'd rather be highI'd rather be flyingI'd rather be dead or out of my headThan training these guns of those men in the sandI'd rather be highI'm seventeen and my looks can prove itI'm so afraid that I will lose itI'd rather smoke and phone my exBe pleading for some teenage sex, yeahI'd rather be highI'd rather be flyingI'd rather be dead or out of my headThan training these guns on the men in the sandI'd rather be high,I'd rather be flyingI'd rather be highI'd rather be flying
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