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求英文字母across from 的造句

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 02:21



热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 00:39

across from :

1. They live just across from us.

2. The store is across from the station.

3. Their house is just across from ours.

4. Our classroom is just across from yours.

5. being directly across from each other; facing.

6. The shoe store is across from the bank.

7. There is a supermarket across from our school.

8. The bank is just across from the school.

9. The post office is just across from the club.

10. They live across the road from us.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 00:39

They live just across from us.
The store is across from the station.
Their house is just across from ours.
Our classroom is just across from yours.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-20 00:41

There's a school just across from our house.有一所学校就在我们房子对面。
求英文字母across from 的造句

7. There is a supermarket across from our school.我们学校对面有一家超级商场。8. The bank is just across from the school.银行就在学校的对面。9. The post office is just across from the club.邮局就在那俱乐部对面。10. They live across the road from us.他们在我们的马路对面...

用across from 造句

The library across from my house.(图书馆在我家对面)

用across from造句

John is sitting across from Mary at the dinner table.(约翰坐在餐桌上和玛丽对面。)在这个例句中,“across from”用于描述约翰和玛丽在餐桌上的相对位置。总之,"across from"是一个常用的英语短语,用于描述两个物体或地点之间的相对位置,也可以用于描述两个人之间的相对位置。


1.across: They boated us across the bay.他们用船把我们送过海湾。He moseyed across to the bar.他闲荡着走向对面的酒吧.We can gain some time if we cut across this field.我们如果抄近路穿过这片田野可以省下一些时间。2.along: We coasted along on our bicycles.我们骑着自行车向前...

以across from造句

The shoe store is across from the bank.鞋店在银行对面。Their house is just across from ours.他们的房子就在我们家的对面。如果满意,请及时采纳,谢谢!


关于across from造句,across from这个很多人还不知道,今天来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、across from对面acrossadv.横过;穿过;朝向特定的方向;在对面;横写地prep.横过;穿过;在对面;在(身体某部位)上;在…各处。

用The pay phone is across from the library 造句

The city is convenient!If you want to call,you can go to the library to call,because there is a pay phone across from the library.这个城市是方便的!如果你想打电话,你可以到图书馆对面去打电话,因为有一个公用电话在图书馆的对面。

用六条介语短词 1.near. 2. across from. 3next to.4.between.5.in fr...

Near our school there are two small groceries. One is just across from the school gate and the other next to it. Between these two groceries, there is a mailbox standing behind the temporary park zone. After sending a mail, I am now standing in front of the temptation, ...


1.Private schools regulate the behavior of students.私立学校规范学生行为。2.Boys as well as girls are taught cookery in school these days.现在学校里男女学生都学烹饪。3.Across the street from the school is the library.从学校穿过大街就是图书馆。4.In the early days of the Web boom...

用The pay phone is across from the library 造句

The city is convenient!If you want to call,you can go to the library to call,because there is a pay phone across from the library.这个城市是方便的!如果你想打电话,你可以到图书馆对面去打电话,因为有一个公用电话在图书馆的对面。

across from造句 用across from造句简单 go across造句 用across造句 get across造句 from now on造句 across简单造句 according to造句 be made from造句
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