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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-13 07:15



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 22:32

长此以往,年轻人势必会越来越堕落,国家也会越来越混乱。因此,了解年轻人为何加入帮派势在必行,应为这已经关系到了一个国家的前途和命运。 在经过了一番系统的分析和调查后,我认为年轻人之所以加入帮派是因为 他们想在各方面都过上比现在更优越和理想的生活。
In the long run, more and more young people will fall, countries will more and more chaos. Therefore, it is imperative to join gangs why young people should have a country that relationship of prospect and destiny. After some investigation and analysis of the system, the young man I think because they want to join gangs in every aspect of a more superior than now and the ideal life.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 22:32

Continuously for a long time hence, the young people inevitably more and more will degenerate, the country can also be getting more and more chaotic. Therefore, understood that young people why
does join the faction to be imperative, should already relate a national future and the destiny for this. After undergoing a systematic analysis and the investigation, the reason that I think the young people to join the faction am because they want, in various aspects cross on compared to presently
in more superior and an ideal life.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 22:32

Over time, more and more young people, is bound to fall, the state will be more chaos. Therefore, to understand why young men join gangs is imperative, as it should have been related to a country's future and destiny. After a systematic analysis and investigation of some, I think the reason why young men join gangs because they want to live in every way superior than the present and the ideal life.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 22:33

In the long run, the youngsters are bound to be increasingly degraded and the nation is in greater chaos.Therefore, the reason why young people join the gangs must be figured out. Since this has been closely related to the future and destiny of the nation.
After systematic analysis and research, I come up with the opinion that the participation of young people in gangs result from the reality that they want to live a better life in all the aspects of life.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 22:34

In the long run, more and more young people will fall, countries will be more and more chaos. Therefore, It is imperative to understanding why young people join gangs, because it have relations to a country's future and destiny. After some investigation and analysis of the system, I think the young man do this is because they want to join gangs than live in the superior and the ideal life all aspects.
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