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buy a special gift

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 20:00



热心网友 时间:2023-07-14 23:05

1He offered me some advice.
2I owed him much money
3My mother bought me a special gift at my birthyday.
4He make me a paper plane
阅读理解A Special gift

特别礼物 Alan十一岁 ,这是他第一次来中国探望他的祖父母。今天是星期天。是他十一岁生日。他早早起床,他希望为他在下午举行的生日会买些食物。当他起出卧室,就看到一大碗面条放在桌上时。这是一碗鸡蛋西红柿面条。在美国,Alan通常会吃面包当早餐。他喜欢吃鸡蛋西红柿面条,但他想知道为什么今天早...

求英语作文《A special gift》求速度啊

It was such a special gift. I think I will love this special book.这真是一份特别的礼物。我觉得我会喜欢的。

A special gift200词英语作文!!急急急!!!

A special gift What makes a gift special? Is it the price you see on the gift receipt? Or anything else?Last Christmas I was debating what to give my father. I wanted to give him something special. Because my dad is a hard person who never wants anything. After thinking a...


a special gift to my father my father is the most important man in my life. i love my father. sometimes.i want to express my love to my father.but i have no idea to do it.when i glanced at the clothes shop .i found a clothe.and i like it.then i think it suits ...

a special gift 两篇 英语作文,不少于150字,六年级水平。急急急!!截...

a special gift to my father my father is the most important man in my life. i love my father. sometimes.i want to express my love to my father.but i have no idea to do it.when i glanced at the clothes shop .i found a clothe.and i like it.then i think it suits ...

求一篇a special gift的英语作文

A special gift My mother is a single-parent. She brought me up. Every year end I will buy my mother a present This year, I intend to give my mother a present where money cannot buy. I am studying very hard to top the class. End of the year, when the school result ...

求英语作文: a special gift to

a special gift to my father my father is the most important man in my life. i love my father. sometimes.i want to express my love to my father.but i have no idea to do it.when i glanced at the clothes shop .i found a clothe.and i like it.then i think it suits ...

求英语作文: a special gift I've got

The most spechial gift i have ever received was a pair of NIKE shoes.I have never expected i could receive my favourite Slam dunk from my friend as a Christmas present.To tell the truth,my parents didn't agree to buy the shoes which i wanted very much because they are a ...

求a special gift for me 英语演讲稿TAT 急需啊

A Special Gift For Me The most special gift for me is a black clock. My aunt sent it to me on my 12-year-old birthday. This clock is very useful and beautiful. It looks like a small and lovely pig. I like it very much. Because it can make me get up early and work...


(27日 Osaka & Nagoya, 28日 Tokyo Sibuya & Yokohama29日 Fukuoka)- 2004年 12月 6日发行『The Christmasgift from东方神起』 Carol 2004年 12月 3日 获第21回 Korea Best Dresser 天鹅(歌手部份)2004年 12月 4日 2004 MNETKMTV Music Video Festival获新人组合最佳音乐录影带奖2004年 12月 ...

aspecialgift的中文 a special gift作文 aspecialgift英语作文 a precious gift a surprise party Special gift a special day a special day作文 a big surprise作文
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